'tis Not The Season For Giving This Christmas - Vic

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29th November 2009, 04:01pm - Views: 931
'Tis not the season for giving this Christmas

Westpac Community Markets calls on all Victorians to dig deep this festive season While Christmas is known as the 'season for giving', only one in five (22 per cent) Victorians say it's the time of year they think most about giving to charity, according to a survey by Westpac Community Markets.

That's not to say Victoria isn't a giving state Westpac's Give Differently*1 survey reveals a whopping 93 per cent of respondents gave to charity in the last twelve months. However, the results indicate the majority of these donations were made as a reaction to high-profile disasters such as the Victorian Bushfire appeal, with only 37 per cent of donations taking place over the Christmas period.

State General Manager, Westpac VIC, David Hyde, is calling on all Victorians to be Santa's Little Helpers this year. "Donations are the lifeblood of community organisations. We're hoping the results prompt Victorians to dig deep and give differently to organisations in need of support over the Festive Season," he said.

"Simple acts of giving such as donating your old bike rather than tossing it out can bring a lot of joy to families less fortunate. We're encouraging all Victorians to visit www.GiveNow.com.au and donate to a cause close to their hearts this Christmas," Mr Hyde concluded.

The appeal comes during Australian Giving Week (November 29 - December 5), an initiative proudly supported by Westpac Community Markets a team dedicated to delivering the financial needs of community organisations. Giving Week encourages people to think about how they can make a difference to those in need in the lead-up to Christmas.

GiveNow.com.au does not charge any commissions to donors or charities, meaning that every donation made goes further and to the right place. The not-for-profit charity site lists more than 1,500 causes, providing Australians with the opportunity to give differently by donating things other than money, including giving time through volunteering, Oxfam gifts or old computers and phones that can be given to disadvantaged kids as a Christmas present.

For further Information
Andrew Collett
Media Relations
0421 618 900
[email protected]

About Westpac and Our Community

Westpac Community Markets partnered with social sector industry body Our Community (www.ourcommunity.com.au) to learn more about the requirements and needs of its not-for-profit customers and create solutions and services that would help them to achieve their financial potential.

'Giving Week' (www.GiveNow.com.au) was created by Our Community to focus the attention of the nation on the many ways that individuals, families and businesses can make a difference to the community in the lead-up to Christmas.

Westpac has been a proud supporter of Australian Giving Week since its inception in 2006. Westpac Community Markets provides the engine behind www.GiveNow.com.au as well as much needed promotion of the charitable donations site.

*1 The Give Differently survey was conducted by Galaxy Research on behalf of Westpac Community Markets on the weekend of 20-22 November 2009. The sample was 1,100 respondents aged 16 years and older distributed throughout Australia.

Under embargo until 30 November 2009

SOURCE: Westpac Community Markets

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