Accounting Standards Breakthrough

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9th April 2008, 11:31pm - Views: 866

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Charities and community groups will welcome the reforms advocated today (Wednesday) by the

Review of Not for Profit Regulation  launched by the State Services Authority, according to

Kimberly Smith, chairman of the Australian Not for Profit Network. 

Mr Smith claims that the most significant Victorian reform - which would have national, and even

global, impact - is the proposal to develop sector specific accounting standards - designed to make

financial reports of charities and other NFPs more transparent and meaningful to their donors and


Victoria has 36,000 incorporated NFPs which would all be overjoyed if the burden of unnecessary

regulatory compliance was lifted from their shoulders.  Volunteer treasurers and bookkeepers who

have given up because of complex accounting rules and unrealistic auditing requirements. Many

thousands of these community benefit organisations search in vain for a qualified accountant or

auditor to assist them.

Mr Smith called on the Federal Government to establish a Charities Commission, like those

operating successfully in the UK and New Zealand.  “Australia is falling behind the rest of the

world due to its disregard for the governance and financial reporting needs of the not for profit

sector” he stated.   

The Australian Not for Profit Network comprises leading accounting firms throughout Australia

which specialise in the not for profit sector.


Kimberly Smith


Australian Not for Profit Network Inc

5 Bramley Court

Kew  VIC  3101

P: (03) 9817 1655

F: (03) 8610 0336

M: 0414 307 104


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