Australian Aid Worker Responds To Haiti Quake

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13th January 2010, 07:04pm - Views: 897

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Wednesday 13 January 2010

Australian aid worker responds to Haiti quake

Save the Children launch Haiti earthquake emergency appeal

Thousands feared dead and homeless

Australian aid worker Ian Rodgers from Torquay near Melbourne is responding to the

earthquake in Haiti, which has caused massive damage to property and loss of life in the

capital Port-au-Prince.

“Children and their families have been forced from their homes and into an extremely

stressful and dangerous environment,” said Ian Rodgers, Senior Emergency Advisor for

the Save the Children.   “The priority now is to provide food, clean water, shelter and

medical assistance to children and their families,” he added.

Ian Rodgers has been involved in aid and development operations for several years. 

Formerly with Save the Children Australia in the Solomon Islands, Ian has worked in

Haiti for two years training local communities how to reduce the life threatening effects

of natural hazards such as earthquakes.

Responding to the disaster, Save the Children Australia has launched an emergency

appeal to assist tens of thousands of men, women and children affected by the

devastating earthquake in Haiti.

An estimated 1.8 million residents were violently shaken by the earthquake and

aftershocks affecting the densely populated areas near Port-au-Prince.

Save the Children has worked in Haiti since 1985, primarily in the capital city of Port-au-

Prince and the Central Plateau region, providing health, education, protection and food

security programs to vulnerable children. 

To Donate to Save the Children’s Haiti earthquake emergency appeal: 

Call 1800 76 00 11

visit to make a secure online donation 

For more information, or to arrange an interview with Ian Rodgers

call Ian Woolverton on 0437 355 096

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