Boardies Day In Tassie This Friday November 27

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25th November 2009, 09:14pm - Views: 952

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Surf Life Saving Tasmania Inc.

ABN 20 950 428 260

71 Davey Street, Hobart TAS 7000

GPO Box 1745, Hobart TAS 7001

Tel: 03 6223 5555

Fax: 03 6223 5577

Media Release

Boardies Day in Tassie this Friday November 27

Boardies Day is an annual fundraising initiative encouraging Australians to wear their boardshorts or

other beach-themed attire to work or school and make a donation to help our volunteer surf lifesavers.

Surf lifesavers have an incredible impact on the states beaches every year by providing a safe

environment for Tasmanians to enjoy their beaches and waterways.

The value to the community Surf Life Saving provides nationally has been estimated at more than $1.4

billion each year.

Last year trained volunteer surf lifesavers provide more than 1.4 million hours of patrol time on

weekends and public holidays. During this time over 12 000 rescues were recorded.

Tasmania has over 3000 surf lifesavers from 15 Clubs and services ensuring the safety of our beaches

right around the state and funds raised during Boardies Day will support their ongoing dedication.

When you bank your monies you will have the choice to either donate your funds directly to a

participating surf life saving club or allocate them to priority lifesaving services in Tasmania such as;

Community response groups in Bicheno, Tasman Peninsula and Bridport.

Volunteer Life Saving Services around Frederick Henry Bay in the states south, which is an area

identified as a national drowning black spot.

Rescue services in the states South East

Updating services and training within our local clubs

Surf Life Saving Tasmania’s Lifesaving Services Manager, Alex Deane “says public support is crucial to

enabling our volunteer surf lifesavers to continue to patrol the states beaches and maintain a

safer aquatic environment.”

For further information and interviews please contact Life Saving Services Manager, Alex Deane

on 0439 760 680 or 6223 5555 OR Program and Events Coordinator Mel

Bush 0405 846 675 

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