Brotherhood And Rotary Help Melbourne's Disadvantaged

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26th October 2009, 03:01pm - Views: 1172

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Monday, 26 October, 2009

For immediate release

Brotherhood and Rotary partner to help Melbourne’s disadvantaged

The Brotherhood of St Laurence and the Rotary Club of Melbourne last week signed a new

Memorandum of Understanding that will enhance opportunities for disadvantaged people in


Brotherhood Executive Director, Tony Nicholson welcomed the opportunity to formalise what

was already a very effective collaboration.

“This will be a high-level partnership,” Mr Nicholson said.

“Our links with the Rotary Club of Melbourne have already led to significant program

successes and helped a number of people, including young people,” he said.

“We welcome with enthusiasm a partnership with this active club.  You’d be surprised by

Rotary, their skills, creative energies and an attitude of seeing a problem and getting the job


Rotary Club of Melbourne President, Barry Watts also highlighted the importance of the

formalised partnership.

“It is my pleasure to join with Tony Nicholson, the CEO of the Brotherhood of St Laurence, a

fellow Rotarian to assist the disadvantaged in our community,” Mr Watts said.

“Rotary’s membership is made up of many leaders in business and community in Melbourne

who share values of Service, Integrity, Leadership and Fellowship which closely align with

those of the Brotherhood of St Laurence.

“More can be done in this city for the elderly, youth and the disadvantaged like refugees and

asylum seekers. In these areas, Rotary sees a problem and wants to get on with the job of

demonstrating the care of Melbourne’s professional community in partnership with the

Brotherhood of St Laurence.   

“It is a framework designed to allow us to work together with individuals and communities in

a planned way to deliver better outcomes than we could achieve by ourselves,” Mr Watts


Media queries contact Grahame Whyte on 0410 221 574 or email

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