Caritas Calls For $46 Million To Assist 200,000 In Haiti

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22nd January 2010, 12:08pm - Views: 848

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January 22, 2010.

Caritas calls for $46 million to assist 200,000 in Haiti.

The international Caritas network has called for donations of over AUD $46 million 

to assist 200,000 earthquake affected people in Haiti over the coming two months.

“Already we have reached more than 17,000 people with emergency supplies of

food, clean water, hygiene kits, shelter and medical assistance. Our rescue teams

were still pulling people from the rubble as late as Tuesday and now we are scaling

up our response as we manage the challenges”, said Jack de Groot CEO of

Caritas Australia.

“More than $35 million has already been pledged by Caritas supporters around the

world but we need urgent support so we can ensure we can continue this life

saving and life giving work”.

“Caritas through our extensive network on the ground in Haiti are coordinating a

makeshift camp at a golf course in Port au Prince where up to 50,000 people are

already seeking shelter. In addition we have established distribution points across

the affected area covering 32 parishes where we will assist an additional 150,000

people. Two hospitals are being supported by Caritas agencies and a further 12

primary care clinics are offering basic treatment”.

Mr de Groot concluded, “The response of the Australian public so far to the dire

need in Haiti has been very generous and as this disaster fades from our television

screens Caritas will continue to work to get the country on its feet. This initial

appeal is for the next two months of relief and in that time we will also be

assessing the situation to deliver a longer term reconstruction plan”.

You can support the Caritas Australia Haiti Emergency Relief Appeal by

More information Tim O’Connor 02) 8306 3400 or 0417 284 831

The Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development

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