Caritas Launches Communities In Crisis - Asia Pacific Appeal With $250k - Pleas

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2nd October 2009, 01:14pm - Views: 787

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October 2, 2009.

Caritas launches Communities in Crisis Asia Pacific Appeal

with $250K – pleas for more support.

Today Caritas Australia pledged AUD$250,000 for its initial response to communities in crisis

throughout the tsunami ravaged islands of Samoa, American Samoa and Tonga, the typhoon

stricken countries of the Philippines, Cambodia and Vietnam and the earthquake damaged

island of Sumatra. 

‘People across our region are in desperate need and they need your help” said Mr de Groot

This initial commitment will enable our partners to continue delivering immediate life saving


but we need public funds so we can really make a big difference. The needs are

tremendous and further contributions to the appeal will

enable us to reach more victims, and

help communities through these terrible first weeks to

rebuild and

recover”, said Caritas CEO

Jack De Groot.  

“We are working with our local partners in the affected countries to channel assistance in the

next phases of the recovery effort and into the longer term”.


In Samoa Caritas Australia is the lead agency for the global aid network Caritas

Internationalis, directing

an initial $125,000 from Caritas members in Germany, the US and

Australia for its first stage efforts of food distribution, water, clothes and the building of housing

for 50 of the most severely affected families in Samoa.


Caritas is working with some of the worst affected

communities in the Philippines with the appalling devastation in Manila

and throughout central

Vietnam and Cambodia due to Typhoon Ketsana. This response is particularly urgent in the

Philippines where another typhoon is forecast to hit the island of Luzon this Saturday.  

Indonesia In Sumatra the rising death toll and aftershocks means that a massive recovery and

rehabilitation program will be required to assist the population of 900,000 in Pandang affected

by Wednesday night’s

earthquake.  Caritas is supporting assessment teams specialising in

Disaster Response working in Sumatra.

“Caritas Australia is accepting donations to the Communities in Crisis – Asia Pacific Appeal and

once immediate needs are met will focus on the long term rehabilitation of the affected

populations to build back stronger and better” said Mr De Groot

You can support the Caritas Australia Communities in Crisis –

Asia Pacific


More information Tim O’Connor 02) 8306 3444 or 0417 284 831

The Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development

28-32 O’Riordan St, Alexandria, NSW, Australia, 2015 Toll Free 1800 024 413 Facsimile 1800 887 895

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