September 30, 2009.
Caritas opens appeal for Pacific tsunami.
A Caritas assessment team is on route to the worst affected areas of Western
Samoa following an 8.3 earthquake 200km from the capital Apia. The consequent
tsunami has hit Western and American Samoa early this morning.
Caritas Australias local partner agency has sent a team specialising in Disaster
Response to the heavily affected area in the south of Upolu to conduct a needs
assessment and begin the relief effort.
While Australia and the Pacific Islands
have cancelled their tsunami warnings, the
risk to those in affected areas remains significant. There is particular concern for
Samoas low lying coastal communities, who remain vulnerable to sea surges after
the tsunami, said Caritas Australia CEO Jack De Groot.
It appears that while the quake itself damaged infrastructure in the city of Apia, the
greatest damage has been done when the tsunami hit the southern coasts of
Western Samoa and American Samoa, said Mr De Groot.
The Catholic Pastoral Centre at Logoipulotu in Savai'i has been converted to an
emergency medical centre as patients have been relocated from the hospital.
Caritas Australia has an ongoing commitment to this region with development
projects in Western Samoa and we will assist in the relief effort as directed by our
partner agency Caritas Samoa. After a tsunami there is an immediate need for
temporary shelter while the threat of polluted water poses great risk for those
temporarily displaced, said Mr De Groot.
Caritas Australia is accepting donations to the Pacific Tsunami Appeal and once
immediate needs are addressed will focus on the long term rehabilitation of the
affected populations.
You can support the Caritas Australia Pacific Tsunami
Appeal by calling
For more information call Tim OConnor 02) 8306 3444 or 0417 284 831
The Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development
28-32 ORiordan St, Alexandria, NSW, Australia, 2015 Toll Free 1800 024 413 Facsimile 1800 887 895