Celebrating Carers In Carers Week

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13th October 2010, 04:07pm - Views: 1320

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PO Box 20156 World Square NSW 2002 P 02 9280 4744 F 02 9280 4755 E contact@carersnsw.asn.au

13 October 2010

Celebrating carers* in Carers Week

2010 National Carers Week – 17 to 23 October 2010

*A carer is any individual who provides unpaid care and support to a family member or friend

who has a disability, mental illness, drug and alcohol dependencies, chronic condition,

terminal illness or who is frail.

This Sunday marks the start of National Carers Week – a celebration of carers and their

contribution to the lives of the people they care for and to the wider community. 

This year over 200 carer support groups and organisations are holding events right across

NSW to give carers a break and a chance to socialise with other carers. These events assist

in recognising carers and raising awareness about their role. 

“We know many carers have little or no social contact due to their caring role, so with funding

from the Ageing, Disability and Home Care, Department of Human Services NSW, we have

enabled carer support groups and organisations to arrange events for carers across the state

including picnics, morning teas, lunches and day trips,” Elena Katrakis CEO Carers NSW


“This means carers get to take a break from caring, while at the same time celebrating the

valuable work they do,” she said.

Carers value these activities and the opportunity to take a break. A carer last year told

Carers NSW “I haven’t been out to dinner in over a year! THANK YOU!” This is an example

of the overwhelming impact that this recognition can make.

A key focus of events happening during Carers Week will be the National Carers Day Out

Activities on Tuesday 19 October 2010.

As part of National Carers Week Sydney will acknowledge and celebrate the role of carers

with a free event in the heart of Sydney.

Carers Day Out is an opportunity for the community to come together to celebrate those that

give their time, energy and love – unpaid - to care for a friend, partner or family member.

Everyone – including carers, their families and friends, and the general public – is invited to

join together with a range of government and non-government service providers for this day

of recognition, information and entertainment.

Conditions such as chronic illness, disability, mental illness or drug and alcohol addiction do

not discriminate by age, culture, sexuality or gender, therefore this year’s theme is ‘Anyone,

Anytime’, highlighting that anyone may find themself in a caring role – planned or unplanned

at any time in their life.

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PO Box 20156 World Square NSW 2002 P 02 9280 4744 F 02 9280 4755 E contact@carersnsw.asn.au

Thanks to a collaboration between Babana Aboriginal Men’s Group, Carers NSW, The City

of Sydney and Centrelink, guests will have access to a range of information and resource

stalls, free goodies and special appearances and performances including:

Arthur Beetson 

The Shubies 

Glen Doyle (Didg and Dance)

Simona Malki

Tansy Mayhew and Band

Sydney Gay and Lesbian Choir 

This event is free, no registration is required and is open to carers, their families and friends,

and the general public.

There will also be other events across the state in rural and regional NSW.

“We hope that you will join us in celebrating National Carers Week in your local community,”

Elena Katrakis CEO Carers NSW said.


Useful resources: 

For a full calendar of events happening across the state for Carers Week go to the Carers

For the national site dedicated to Carers Week – www.carersweek.com.au 

Carers Week Fact Sheet attached

For further information or enquiries, or to arrange an interview:

Media contact: Jane Witcombe Carers NSW phone 9280 4744 or

Elena Katrakis CEO on mobile 0421 057 305


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