Change The World One Cup At A Time: Oxfam

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2nd May 2008, 04:18pm - Views: 936

For more information or to interview Oxfam Australia Executive Director Andrew Hewett, please

contact Laurelle Keough, Media Liaison Coordinator Oxfam Australia on 0409 960 100.

  Embargoed until 00.01 Saturday May 3

Change the world one cup at a time:  Oxfam

Take a Coffee Break this Fairtrade Fortnight (3–17 May) and help change the world one cup at a time.

Oxfam Australia is urging people to take a Fairtrade Coffee Break from today (Saturday May 3) to help

improve the lives of farmers in some of the poorest parts of the world.

Organised by Oxfam Australia and the Fair Trade Association of Australia and New Zealand (FTAANZ),

Coffee Break encourages people to take a break with their friends, workmates or school with some great-

tasting Fairtrade tea and coffee.

Anyone can hold a Fairtrade Coffee Break during Fair Trade Fortnight – simply register online at for a free Fairtrade Coffee Break pack, including Fairtrade tea and coffee

samples, the Coffee Break DVD, promotional materials and a ‘Where to Buy Fairtrade’ guide.  

People can add some other treats to their Coffee Break such as cakes, scones or Fairtrade chocolate. 

Oxfam Australia Executive Director Andrew Hewett said Coffee Break was a fun but important way to create a

better future for small-scale farmers in developing countries.

“Fairtrade coffee is a practical, everyday way to help eradicate poverty, as most of the world’s coffee is

produced by small-scale farmers in developing countries,” Mr Hewett said.

“The additional price they receive for their Fairtrade coffee can make a huge difference.  It could mean the

difference between having one meal or three meals a day, whether or not kids are sent to school, or being

able to access health services.”

He said Fairtrade Fortnight was an ideal time for people to support fair trade in other ways, such as

encouraging their workplaces and local outlets to stock Fairtrade products, and raising awareness in the


FTAANZ Executive Director Stephen Knapp said Fairtrade Fortnight was an opportunity for people to enjoy

and celebrate a change in their shopping habits.

“By thinking about what we buy and supporting Fairtrade, we are able to make a tangible, personal difference,”

Mr Knapp said.

Australia is the fastest growing Fairtrade market in the world with Fairtrade coffee sales rising around 50 per

cent from 2006 to 2007. 

Fair Trade Fortnight events will be held across Australia giving consumers the opportunity to taste, brew,

create, eat, drink, kick, watch, wear, learn about and support Fairtrade. 

To register a Coffee Break, find out where to buy Fairtrade products and learn how to take action, visit

For more information about Fairtrade Fortnight events, go to


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