Church Resources (nfp/sme), Joins Big Supplier Partners To Assist Haitian Appeal

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22nd January 2010, 07:06pm - Views: 578

CR (NFP/SME), Joins Big Supplier Partners to Assist Haitian Appeal

Last week, Church Resources CEO, Luke Kenny, announced the organization was giving $10,000 to support the Caritas Australia Haiti Emergency Response Appeal. The funds are destined to assist Caritas Australia's local partners in the Caribbean in delivering aid to the worst affected regions of Haiti.

'The images which were coming out of Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, showed loss of life and devastation on an unimaginable scale,' said Mr Kenny. 'And it became clear that there were very few resources on the ground to help victims of the earthquake who needed help immediately.' 'The situation meant that Church Resources turned its focus and support towards Caritas Australia and its local partners in a very practical way - with money. This allows Caritas' partners to deliver physical aid - food, clean water, medical supplies and shelter - while offering the earthquake survivors counselling to help them come to terms with the trauma they are suffering,'' said Mr Kenny. 'The scale of the trauma to the people of Haiti is barely imaginable, and it was made worse by the aftershocks this week.

'Church Resources wanted to send a message to the people of Haiti that the world stands by them as they face this terrible challenge, so we also encouraged our major supplier partners to match our donation as a contribution to the Caritas Australia appeal. They came up trumps. OfficeMax, Telstra, KPMG, and FCm Travel Solutions, have added to the Caritas Haiti appeal to the tune of an extra $40,000.

'And on a micro-scale, we wanted to give our staff members a chance to take time to reflect on this terrible event and support the Caritas Australia Haiti Emergency Response Appeal, so we organised a special fundraising lunch ,' said Mr Kenny. Caritas staffers, fundraiser Lizzie Birrell, and communications manager, Tim O'Connor, spoke at the Church Resources team about how the money will be spent in Haiti, and how Caritas funds were dispersed in Indonesia following earthquakes there in October last year.

'Now I am sending an email to our 15,000 plus Members, asking them to get behind the Caritas appeal for Haiti. I am encouraging them to assist the people of Haiti, so that not another innocent will die a death that a little money might have prevented,' Luke Kenny said.

For information, contact Christine Hogan, CR Communications Manager, 0429 219 184.

SOURCE: Church Resources

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