Don Finds Donations For Doorknock On Fathers Day

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4th September 2008, 12:40pm - Views: 792

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September 2008

Don finds donations on Fathers day to support the Heart Foundation

Doorknock appeal

Don Ridolf of Clayfield will be one of 28,000 volunteers across Queensland knocking on doors to

help raise money for the Heart Foundation between Saturday 6 September and Friday 19

September 2008.

“I was shocked to learn that two out of every three Australian families are affected by cardiovascular

disease. I volunteered for the Heart Foundation Doorknock Appeal because I have had two heart

valve replacements and I want to give something back to the Heart Foundation for all of their good

work. So when a Heart Foundation volunteer knocks on your door, please dig deep and make a

generous donation,” said Mr Ridolf.

Cameron Prout, Heart Foundation Chief Executive Officer said: “Cardiovascular disease is still the

leading cause of death in our community and claims one Australian life almost every 10 minutes.  As

a charity, we rely on volunteers like Don Ridolf and public donations to carry out our lifesaving work.

Money raised by the 2008 Doorknock Appeal will help us fund critical research and community

projects to improve awareness, prevention and treatment of heart disease and stroke.”

“To recognise our volunteers and open your doors with confidence, you can check the collector is

wearing a badge with the Heart Foundation's logo and the words Volunteer Collector Official

Identification Badge. The badge also has the volunteer’s ID number and an expiry date of Friday 19

September 2008. Collectors will also have an official receipt book and a small Heart Foundation

bag,” added Mr Prout.

All donations $2 and over are tax-deductible and the Heart Foundation Doorknock volunteer can

issue supporters with a receipt.  Mr Prout said: “If you are not home when one of our Doorknock

volunteers visit, you can make a credit card donation directly with the Heart Foundation Doorknock


ends –

The Heart Foundation saves lives and improves health through funding world-class cardiovascular research,

guidelines for health professionals, informing the public and assisting people with cardiovascular disease. As a

charity, the Heart Foundation relies on donations and gifts in Wills to continue its lifesaving research,

education and health promotion work. For further information visit or call 1300 36

27 87.

Photo and interview opportunities with a local Heart Foundation Doorknock Appeal volunteer can be

arranged on request.

For more information please contact: Marcus Chadwick, Cardiovascular Health Media and Communications


Phone: 3872 2556 Email: 

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