Doorknock Appeal Kick Started With $50,000 Donation

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16th September 2010, 01:40pm - Views: 1186
Doorknock Appeal in Queensland Kick Started With a $50,000 Government Donation

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh has kicked off the Heart Foundation's Doorknock Appeal in Queensland with a $50,000 donation.

Premier Bligh said the Heart Foundation was a worthy charity that raised money for a very important cause and urged all Queenslanders to dig deep and donate when a volunteer knocked on their door during the Appeal which will run from 4-24 September 2010.

"The Queensland Government is proud to support the Heart Foundation's Doorknock Appeal and I hope through the generosity of all Queenslanders that the Appeal exceeds its $1 million target," Ms Bligh said.

This year the Heart Foundation will invest up to $13 million into cardiovascular research. The Premier's generous donation will enable the Heart Foundation to provide a research award to an early career Queensland-based researcher, giving them the funds to continue their vital research.

Cardiovascular disease remains the number one killer of Queenslanders, accounting for 7726 deaths. Queensland is faring worse than other States and Territories, with death rates from coronary heart disease 11% higher and death rates from strokes 8% higher than the Australian average.

More than two out of three Australian families are affected by heart disease, stroke and other blood vessel diseases. These funds will help us continue funding the extremely important research and health programs which will save the lives of many Queenslanders and help improve our quality of life.

Cameron Prout, Heart Foundation Chief Executive Officer said: "I would like to extend my thanks to the Queensland Government for this wonderful donation which has provided a great start towards our one million dollar target for the appeal. We are hoping other Queenslanders will also give from their heart to our 2010 Doorknock Appeal to provide vital funds to support critical research and community projects to improve awareness, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease."

As a charity, we rely almost entirely on the generous support of individual Australians so we can continue to reduce the devastating impact cardiovascular disease has on Queensland families, said Mr Prout."

All donations $2 and over are tax-deductible and the Heart Foundation Doorknock volunteer can issue supporters with a receipt.

"If you're not home when one of our Doorknock volunteers visit, you can make a credit card donation directly with the Heart Foundation Doorknock Hotline 1800 55 22 55 or by visiting," Mr Prout said.

Jill Sims
Communications & Media Manager
Mobile 0421-911-116
email: [email protected]


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