Easter Charity Walk - 165km Walk For Newpin

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29th March 2010, 05:55pm - Views: 1286


Monday 29 March 2010

Easter Charity Walk - 165km Walk for NEWPIN


group of 20 enthusiastic walkers from a diverse range of professions

including the Federal Police, Customs, Medical Industry and Defence are

undertaking a four day treck from Canberra to Moruya on the NSW South

Coast over the Easter holidays to raise money for charity.

The goal is to raise $15,000 for NEWPIN (New Parent Infant Network) a

community-based program with a preventative, early intervention focus,

targeted to assist families experiencing significant difficulty or distress.

NEWPIN operates across Australia in nine sites, with Kippax (ACT) being the

newest and presently operating 2 days per week. 

Newpin Kippax opened it doors to its first family in late July 2009 and by

Christmas had 8 Families with 9 children being supported by the centre each

week. 2010 has started with three more families being referred to this valuable


NEWPIN Kippax is looking for additional funding to support the program so

that it is better resourced to support these and other families in crisis.

NEWPIN will be launched by the A.C.T. Chief Minister at the Kippax Uniting

Community Centre at 11am on Wednesday 31st March 2010 in time to

farewell the team of walkers. 

The walkers will depart Canberra at 1:30pm on Thursday 1st April and plan to

be greeted in Moruya at 4pm on Monday 5th April.  

Those interested in supporting the walkers through donations to NEWPIN are

asked to contact the NEWPIN Canberra to Coast donations coordinator on 02


The group will be walking through the townships of Captains Flat, Majors

Creek and Araluen to arriving at Moruya on the NSW South Coast on Easter


For further details on NEWPIN contact: Sue Gore Phillips 02 6254 1733 or


Media contacts:

Mr Russell Bailey 

0412 74 22 87

Mr Nick Kemp

0408 15 18 29

Ms Sue Gore Phillips

02 6254 1733

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