Hand-powered Cyclists' Charity Ride Shows What People With Disability Can Do

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9th February 2010, 02:12pm - Views: 931

People Feature Bill Shorten Parliamentary Secretary For Disabilities And Children's Services 1 image

Media Contact:      Ben Ruse

0407 030 808

Media Release


Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Children’s Services 

Parliamentary Secretary for Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hand-powered cyclists’ charity ride shows what

people with disability can do

Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities Bill Shorten has thrown his support behind

two paraplegic cyclists who are riding from Melbourne to Darwin to raise money for

children in Africa.

Mr Shorten joined fellow MPs at Parliament House this morning to help launch

Queenslander Andreas Dagelet’s 5000 kilometre journey using a hand-powered


Mr Dagelet, who has already handcycled around Australia, will join fellow rider Dale

Elliott on the trip along with a dedicated support team.

The two cyclists aim to raise $200,000 to treat children in Africa who have a club foot.

For just $200 of treatment a child with a club foot can have their impairment cured

and the trip aims to help 1000 children.

Mr Shorten said the pair’s dedication showed what people with a disability could


“Too often we can not look past a person’s impairment and see what their abilities

are and what contribution they could make,” Mr Shorten said.

“Andreas and Dale are dedicated to improving life for children born with a club foot.

Their guts and determination to raise money for a good cause shows what can be

achieved by people with disability.

“These guys are attempting a feat of endurance that would be beyond most people,

and making the world a better place at the same time.

“I wish them both the best on their way to Darwin, and I am sure Australians will

respond to their example and give generously to their cause.”

The cyclists will visit more than 150 schools and community groups during their trip

which is expected to finish in June.

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