Invitation To Meals On Wheels' Launch Of New Brand And Donation Campaign

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15th October 2010, 01:55pm - Views: 1277



October 15, 2010

Meals On Wheels To Launch New Campaign and National Brand Identity 

You are invited to a launch by Australian Meals on Wheels of a new campaign to raise

donations and a new national identity, created by Australia’s leading branding company,

Hulsbosch – Communication by Design.

Meals on Wheels delivers meals to more than 50,000 frail older people, as well as to

younger people with disabilities and their carers every day.

The new brand identity symbolises a deep and emotional connection between the

organisation and the community. It also represents the inclusivity, warmth, care, dignity

and respect Meals on Wheels demonstrate through every one of their 80,000 volunteers

and 190 services throughout Australia.


The Terrace, Level 4, Australian Museum, entry off William Street, Sydney



10.15am for 10.30am, Tuesday 19



Please RSVP to:

Kyra Washington/Tim Allerton

City PR

(02) 9267 4511

Notes to editors:

Australian Meals on Wheels Association is the national voice for Meals on Wheels

organisations across Australia and acts as a national not for profit body to represent and

advocate the best practise of its 750 service outlets across the State and Territories.

About Meals on Wheels 

Meals on Wheels originated in Britain during the Second World War, assisting old people

who wanted to stay in their own homes, but who needed help to do so.

In Australia, Meals on Wheels started in 1952 in South Melbourne. The meals were

delivered by a lady on a tricycle. Over the course of a year, 15 million nutritious meals

are delivered by 80,000 volunteers to about 50,000 recipients Australia wide. 

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