Living With Deadly Spiders For Disadvantaged Children

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3rd November 2010, 02:14pm - Views: 1786

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Living With Deadly Spiders for Disadvantaged Children

Real life Spider Man Nick Le Souef will be incarcerating himself in his Flinders Lane shop

window with over 1000 of deadly spiders from 15 November – 6 December to raise funds for

Variety the children’s charity. 

The renowned opal miner is attempting to break his own record set 30 years ago this year. Nick

will live, sleep and eat with the creepy crawlies ranging from deadly red backs and bird eating

spiders to common huntsman. Well known football identity Peter ‘Spida’ Everitt will be on hand

to lend his support as Nick begins his 3 week endurance test at 12.30pm on Monday 15


“After being involved with the famous Bash and seeing the great work Variety do with special

needs children across Australia I couldn’t think of a better charity to put my life on the line for”,

joked Nick. 

With a family history of adventure, Nick currently holds the Australian Records of habitation in

a Snake pit (3 weeks), a Shark tank (3 weeks) and a Red Back (Black Widow) Spider cage (3

weeks). There was even an appearance on the US Television show "That's Incredible". Nick has

been busy catching spiders for the event, with over 250 caught so far. Nick encourages the

public who may have a spider infestation in their home to contact Lightning Ridge Opals so he

can collect the spiders for his record attempt.

Several major sponsors are already on board with Budget Car Rental pledging $100 a day

toward the spine chilling venture. Those wanting to support Nick and Variety the children’s

Variety the children’s charity empowers children who are sick, disadvantaged or have special

needs to live, laugh and learn. With the help of dedicated volunteers and generous individual

and corporate supporters, Variety, the children’s charity is able to offer three core programs:

freedom, care and future.It’s through these programs that Variety, the children’s charity can

deliver a unique range of goods and services to assist with the specific needs of individual

children, across a diverse spectrum of physical, emotional and financial conditions.

What :  

Living with Spiders Charity Fundraiser


Launch 12.00pm for 12.30pm 15 November  2010

Event runs until 12.30pm Monday 6 December


Lightning Ridge Opals, 175 Flinders Lane, Melbourne


Nick LeSouef,”Spider Man”, 0434 144 444

Norm Hutton, Variety, 0409 874 452

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