Mankind Aims For World Peace Through One Minute Of Silence

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25th August 2009, 11:27am - Views: 809

Community Charity Minute-of-World-Peace 1 image

Community Charity Minute-of-World-Peace 2 image


Mankind Aims for World Peace Through One Minute of Silence

NIJMEGEN, Aug. 25 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --


    - Global Campaign Wants to Attract Millions of People

    Millions, if not billions, of people throughout the world will hold still for one minute on November 14th, at

exactly 15:00 hours GMT, for world peace. This is the goal of the Dutch organisation Minute-of-World-Peace,

which launches a campaign in 133 countries today to ask for people's attention for world peace.

    It must set-off a chain reaction, persuading as many people in as many countries as possible to participate.

Its first aim is to create awareness. "If world peace is to be created in the future, it is important that people

think about it. If this minute can catch people's thoughts, it will have its effect in the future," initiator Hans

Brugeman explains.

    Another goal is to actually create a minute of world peace. "The strength lies in the simplicity, because it is

easy to participate. Suppose everybody knows about it and holds still for one minute, if even soldiers remove

their finger from the trigger for one minute. Then there actually would be world peace, for almost the entire

population of earth for the first time," Brugeman states.

    Despite all armed conflicts in the past decades, people still aim for world peace, a survey among 1100

visitors of the website shows. 96% of people place world peace in their top

ten greatest wishes.

    The first press release is distributed to 250,000 journalists and 4,000 news websites in 133 countries.

Furthermore, all the people who receive the message are asked to send it through to their family and friends.

The organisation seeks ambassadors who want to coordinate and stimulate the campaign in their own

countries. Also, people are asked to organise events in their own countries, like placing stones with a

message of peace. These piles could be monuments of peace for people to gather at on November 14th.

    This date is chosen on purpose. It is shortly after the world commemorates the fall of the Berlin Wall. The

organisation hopes to give all participants the same feeling of freedom and peace that was aroused by that


    More information:

    SOURCE: Minute-of-World-Peace


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