Movember - It's Time To Think About Men's Health

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1st November 2009, 01:04pm - Views: 1193
Movember - It's Time To Think About Men's Health

November marks the beginning of Movember, the annual moustache-growing charity event aimed at raising awareness and funding for men's health issues, particularly prostate cancer and depression.

On average, Australian men have a life expectancy five years less than Australian women.

More men die from diseases and other factors that could have been avoided or at least managed by seeking early medical attention and having healthier lifestyles.

To everyone who has already signed up to take part in Movember to help raise funds for male health, thanks for your commitment and support.

To those who may still be thinking of growing a mo I urge you to get with the program.

While I already have a moustache, I will certainly play a part to help raise funds and spread the message about the importance of male health throughout Movember.

Indeed, the Rudd Government is developing Australia's first ever National Male Health Policy because we recognise the need for more attention to be given to men's health.

The policy will focus on reducing the barriers that men experience in accessing health services, making health services more male-friendly, addressing the reluctance of some men to seek treatment, and raising awareness of the range of preventable health problems that disproportionately affect Australian men.
The consultation process for the policy is now complete, following 26 forums held across Australia with approximately 1,300 participants. The policy, due to be released at the end of this year, will signal a significant step towards improving the health of Australian men.

The Government is also committed to improving diagnosis and treatment options for men living with prostate cancer. Every year, more than 18,000 Australian men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and 2,900 die from the disease. In 2009, the National Health and Medical Research Council will spend about $10.9 million on 46 prostate cancer research grants at universities, medical research institutes and hospitals around Australia.

We are also addressing depression. By the end of 2010, beyondblue will have received $66.2 million from the Commonwealth Government to raise community awareness and reduce stigma associated with the illness.

For more details on Movember, or to register or make a donation, see

Media contact: Greg Doolan 0433 345 323

The Hon Warren Snowdon MP
Minister for Indigenous Health, Rural and Regional Health
and Regional Services Delivery

SOURCE:Australian Government Department of Health & Ageing
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