One Big Hearted Lady Sees A Big Future For Signing Choir

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8th December 2009, 03:46pm - Views: 1139

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People Feature Bupa Care Services / Royal Institute Of Deaf And Blind Children 3 image

For Immediate Release

One big hearted lady sees a big future for Signing Choir

While ageing brings its own unique set of challenges, 84 year old Veronica Rogers has put hers

aside in a determined quest to afford every opportunity to a group of gifted and determined

youngsters at the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (RIDBC).

In 2003, Veronica was the first resident at Bupa Dural and has enthusiastically used her

organisation skills and long time friendships with residents and staff to raise $2,700 to assist the

RIDBC’s signing choir who are frequent visitors to thehave performed at the facility a number of


The All members of the signing choir are students of RIDBC and are between five and sixteen

years of age. These students are profoundly Deaf and communicate using Australian Sign

Language (Auslan). With the assistance of a Teacher/Choirmaster the choir performs in Auslan

and brings a unique interpretation to each song. 

choir performs in Auslan and brings a unique interpretation to each song and are very popular

with the residents.  One of the key aims of the The choir group is to gives the students an

opportunity to learn about and experience the enjoyment, team work and techniques needed for

a choirchoir.

Sandra McKenny, General Manager at Bupa Dural says that she thinks Veronica’s efforts have

been inspiring both for staff and the choir members.  

“Veronica has very limited mobility these days and yet she has coordinated staff to arrange

raffle prizes and then sat every day in the foyer selling tickets and encouraged residents to get

involved too.  She takes a keen interest in their successes and we believe she wonderfully

represents how passionate one generation can be about the opportunities for another. All of us 

adore Veronica and are very proud of her fundraising efforts.”


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*Photo attached* 

Photo caption: Veronica, a resident from Bupa Care Dural hands over a cheque for $2,700 to

students at the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children.

For more information please contact

Lynette Dragic

Bupa Dural

1 Stonelea Court

Dural  NSW  2158

Phone: 02 9653 9600

About Bupa Care Services

Bupa Care Services is a leading operator of residential aged care facilities in Australia. We are part

of the global health and care company, Bupa, which operates in 195 countries, all of who share

the same commitment to help our customers’ live longer, healthier and happier lives.

As a specialist provider of aged care services, our focus is on treating our residents as individuals

and we offer a mix of low and high care, including specialist dementia and palliative care.

We seek to provide a better life for our residents by truly valuing the individual through a person

centred approach to care. Our extensive experience and comprehensive support ensures peace of

mind for our customers and their families.

Bupa has no shareholders. We reinvest our money to provide better healthcare for our

customers, helping them to live longer, happier, healthier lives.


Around 90 per cent of children with hearing impairment enrolled on the Royal Institute for Deaf

and Blind Children’s services are learning to communicate through aided hearing and speech. 

The Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children also provides programs to a much smaller

number of children who communicate through Australian Sign Language (Auslan).One of the

Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children’s many services, The RIDBC Thomas Pattison

School provides a specialist educational program for students from Kindergarten to Year 10

who are Deaf and use Australian Sign Language (Auslan)Auslan as their first or preferred


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The School’s educational curriculum is much the same as in mainstream schools – it follows the

NSW Board of Studies Curriculum – but in addition, also places a greater emphasis on

language and literacy development. These are two areas which are the biggest challenge for

children who are Deaf.

Through partnerships with the community and other local schools, the RIDBC Thomas Pattison

School ensures that the students are equipped with the skills they need to achieve success in

the community and workplace post school.

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