Oxfam Launches Appeal For Flood-hit Pakistan

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3rd August 2010, 12:00pm - Views: 1371

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Oxfam is a leading international aid agency working with communities around the world for solutions to poverty and social injustice.

Tuesday 3 August, 2010 

Oxfam launches appeal for flood-hit Pakistan

Oxfam has launched an appeal to support its rapid relief effort to reach almost 400,000 people

with clean water, sanitation kits and hygiene supplies in flood-affected north-western Pakistan.

The international agency is trucking water and installing tanks to help prevent the spread of

water-borne diseases amongst the estimated 1 million people affected.

Oxfam's Pakistan Director Neva Khan said this was the worst flooding in living memory.

“It is likely to get worse as rivers and dams reach dangerous levels.  Whole villages have been

swept away and villages south of the devastated area in Sindh may be hit in the coming days,”

Ms Khan said.

“Huge swathes of the country are under an ocean of contaminated water. The risk of water-borne

disease is high if we do not act fast. 

“We are going to be providing hundreds of thousands of people with clean water and building

emergency toilets. We are moving fast with supplies we had ready for such an emergency in-


Oxfam is appealing for $AU6.6 million ($US 6 million) to help people get through the immediate

days and weeks and to boost recovery over the long term. The agency is also planning to provide

hygiene kits to help people who have lost everything in the floods, as well cooked food and cash

for work.

“Our staff and partners have years of experience providing relief in the most difficult emergencies

and we are already there working round the clock to reach those cut off from help,” Ms Khan said.

Oxfam Australia Executive Director Andrew Hewett said Oxfam had been working in Pakistan

since 1973. 

“We support local partners and work with government authorities to improve the livelihoods of

those living in poverty, and provide humanitarian assistance to those affected by disasters and

conflict,” he said.  “Oxfam assisted over 740,000 people following the devastating earthquake in

2005, and in the aftermath of these floods, is now implementing a plan for immediate emergency

aid work.”

Contact in Pakistan:

Tariq Masood Malik, Media Communications Officer, +92-3085052976


Please note: Pakistan time is GMT+5

Contacts in Australia: 

Laurelle Keough, Media Coordinator, 0409 960 100, laurellek@oxfam.org.au

Louise Perry, Media Manager, 0414 456 015, louisep@oxfam.org.au

Notes to the editor:

Photos from Pakistan are available on request. Oxfam staff members are available for interview

on the ground in the affected area.

   Media Release            

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