Picture Opportunity: Kevin Rudd Walks On Water To Promote Walk Against Warming

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20th November 2009, 06:11pm - Views: 970

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Friday 20 November 2009



‘Kevin Rudd’ walks on water 

to promote Walk Against Warming

Bathers Beach, Fremantle

Monday 23 November 2009



A Kevin Rudd caricature (with oversize glass fibre head) appearing to walk on water will herald Make

Poverty History’s support for this year’s Walk Against Warming - Australia’s day of climate action next


Make Poverty History spokesman Paddy Cullen said the Make Poverty History campaign was pledging its

support for Walk Against Warming because climate change threatened to undermine the progress made in

the global fight against poverty. 

“Climate change will affect us all, but millions of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people are already

being hit hardest by climate change, despite being the least responsible for causing it,” Mr Cullen said.

“They include Pacific Islanders losing their homes to rising sea levels, the poor of Bangladesh coping with

more frequent floods and rural African communities dealing with devastating drought.

“The message is clear”, Mr Cullen said.  “Since we can’t walk on water we must Walk Against Warming and

demand the Prime Minister take strong action on climate change.”

This year’s Walk against Warming, organised by the Conservation Council of WA, coincides with the UN

Climate Summit in Copenhagen.

It will take place on the Global Day of Action on Climate change, when thousands of walks and

demonstrations will take place throughout the world.

“We urge everyone to put their best foot forward at the Walk Against Warming,” Mr Cullen said.  “At this key

moment, the world needs a strong, legally-binding treaty that will ensure a safe climate. Hundreds of

thousands of people will continue to pay with their lives if Kevin Rudd and other leaders fail to reach a fair,

ambitious, and binding global treaty at Copenhagen.”

The Walk Against Warming, organised by the Environment Council of WA, will take place on Saturday 12

To find out more about how climate change affects people in poor countries first and worst, go to

For more information contact Paddy Cullen 0431 925494

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