Politicians Serve Up Bi-partisan Support

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12th October 2009, 03:10pm - Views: 825

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Community Charity St Mary's House Of Welcome 2 image

            MEDIA RELEASE

Politicians serve up bi-partisan support during Anti-Poverty Week.

11th- 17th October, 2009

For the people who use St Mary’s House of Welcome suffering, personal crisis and poverty

is their reality. As part of Anti Poverty Week one of the ways St Mary’s House of Welcome

is involved in raising awareness of the cause and consequence of poverty and hardship is

through inviting members of parliament to serve meals to those, whom in reality may live

next door to all of us.

During Anti-poverty week in 2009, Victorian Parliamentary Members, such as Rob Hulls,

Deputy Premier (Lab), Ted Baillieu, Leader of the Opposition (Lib), Peter Ryan, Leader of

the Nationals (Nat), Richard Wynne, Housing Minister (Lab) and Peter Batchelor,

Community Development Minister (Lab) are just some of the volunteers that will be serving

up their support.

“It is terrific that St Mary’s House of Welcome will again be joined in the kitchen by

politicians from both sides of the House during Anti-Poverty Week. St Mary’s House of

Welcome has been providing free and low cost meals to Melbourne’s homeless men and

women for fifty years. Our recent refurbishment has allowed us to increase the number of

episodes of food support to almost 90,000 per year. Our sit down meals have increased by

over 12,000 hot meals per year.”  said Tony McCosker CEO, St Mary’s House of Welcome 

Sr Roseanne Murphy, Day Centre Manager expressed regret that St Mary’s House of

Welcome is often the home that many don’t have. “Poverty is not just about the lack of

housing or money. Poverty can take many forms, such as not having the basics that most

people within the community take for granted, somewhere to rest your head at night or the

ability to afford food or the medication you need to keep well, and things that you can’t put a

price tag on such as an environment that is safe, supportive and inclusive”. 

“The Daughters of Charity are committed to the eradication of poverty and we advocate for

change within the systems that impact negatively on many people who attend our centre.

We welcome the support shown by Victoria’s politicians during Anti-Poverty Week and see

this as a significant personal gesture on behalf of both sides of government” Sr Roseanne


If you would like more information about Anti-poverty Week, or would like to sponsor the

cost of a meal service during the week, please call Lara Denes Fundraising and Events

Manager.  St Mary’s House of Welcome is a Registered Charity


Lara Denes- 0421 604 624 or Sr Roseanne Murphy 0412 609 510

St Mary’s House of Welcome: 105-109 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy

PH: 9417 6497  FAX: 9416 3263  

Please see attached sheet for other Members of Parliament volunteering over this week.

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