Power Joins Passion For Day For Daniel 30th Oct

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13th October 2009, 11:37am - Views: 796

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13th OCT 2009

The AFP will today release a special 3 minute video-tape supporting the Daniel Morcombe Foundation’s

Day for Daniel.

It will include messages from:

APF Commissioner Tony Negus

Terri Irwin and her children Bindi and Robert 

Denise and Bruce Morcombe parents of Daniel 

‘Day for Daniel’ is more than an awareness focus on child protection or a fundraising day.

It is a Day-of-Action. We invite and encourage Australians to ensure that our children are equipped with life

skills that will assist them to keep safe. 


Terri Irwin and her children Bindi and Robert have joined an ever growing list of supporters

of the 2009 Day for Daniel. Appearing on an Australian Federal Police inspired video-tape

of support specifically designed to add credibility and national status to the child safety day-

of-action is AFP Acting Commissioner Tony Negus.

“Children need protection, education and support so they don’t become a missing child or an

innocent victim of crime.” AFT Commissioner Tony Negus

“Every child deserves to be safe.” Ms Terri Irwin

“Protecting Australian children from abuse is what the Day for Daniel is about.” Bruce


“We urge all schools to register their support with us online but we particularly appeal to the

teachers to incorporate a personal safety lesson on the day. Topics could include Internet

Safety, Body Ownership or abduction prevention programs like ‘Being Safety Smart’ which

was designed as a learning tool for students after the abduction of our son Daniel.” Denise


Now in its 5th year, ‘Day for Daniel’ continues to grow on a national scale and is recognised as Australia’s

largest participation event of its type. In 2008 over 250 schools from all across Australia took part and this

year up to 500,000 school aged children are expected to participate.


A variety of activities are suggested and these can range from:

A talk about internet safety in class

A presentation by a school based police officer

Educating children about Body Ownership

Completing an internet educational program like ‘Being Safety Smart’

Watching the Daniel Morcombe Foundation’s DVD titled ‘Foundation Red’

Participating in a community walk

Download Videotape

AAP medianet - available from 13.10.09.

For additional information please ring 0434 326 435.  www.danielmorcombe.com.au 

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