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28th October 2010, 12:31pm - Views: 1715

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Misc Miscellaneous Cancer Council ACT 3 image

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This October, women across Australia will be joining the IN Crowd and will be inviting their best friends

around for a Girls Night In. 

Local Canberra girl Sara Goldsworthy will be holding her own

‘Girls Night In’

Cocktail Evening at

Crowne Plaza Hotel, 1 Binara St Civic on Friday 29th October 2010 to help raise money for women’s

cancer and Cancer Council ACT.  The Opening address will be at 7pm. 

Each year, more than 16,000 women are diagnosed with breast or gynaecological cancer. One in 23

women will specifically face a battle with a gynealogical cancer in their lifetime, and one in nine will be

diagnosed with breast cancer. 

The night will include live music by local band Authorised Bootleg, canapés and drinks, and due to

some generous contributions from a large number of local Canberra businesses there will be a raffle

with some fabulous prizes to be won.  From 8:20pm on the night there will also be an auction which

will be run by Richard Luton, from Richard Luton Properties. 

In 2010 Cancer Council hopes to raise $6 million nationally, with money raised helping fund Cancer

Council’s research, prevention, information and support services for women’s cancers. These

breakthroughs aim to overturn the confronting statistic that 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with

cancer before the age of 85.

For further information, please contact:

Sara Goldsworthy – 0412 559 960

Photo Opportunity: Friday 29 October 2010 7.00pm- 9.00pm

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