Rotary Foundation Honours Usha Mittal For Us$1 Million Contribution To Polio Eradication Efforts

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6th May 2009, 04:15pm - Views: 781

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Rotary Foundation Honours Usha Mittal for US$1 Million Contribution to Polio

Eradication Efforts

LONDON, May 6 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    The Rotary Foundation will honour Mrs. Usha Mittal for her recent US$1

million contribution to Rotary's effort to end polio worldwide. In a

reception at London's House of Lords, Rotary Foundation Chairman Jonathan B.

Majiyagbe will recognize Mrs. Mittal as a significant major donor to the

Foundation, inducting her into the Arch C. Klumph Society.

    Usha Mittal, wife of Lakshmi Mittal, a prominent businessman who leads

ArcelorMittal, the world's largest steelmaker, made a US$1 million

contribution to The Rotary Foundation in support of Rotary's current effort

to raise US$200 million for polio eradication. The organization's End Polio

Now campaign is raising the funds in response to a US$355 million challenge

grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

    The resulting $555 million will fund polio eradication activities in

developing countries where the crippling disease still infects children,

including India, the Mittals' home country. Since 1985, Rotary has

contributed more than $800 million in support of polio eradication. In

addition, individual Rotary members have contributed countless volunteer

hours to help vaccinate more than two billion children, preventing five

million cases of paralysis and 250,000 pediatric deaths.

    "Polio is a devastating disease which still continues to cripple children

in some vast populated areas of the world namely India, Pakistan, Afghanistan

and Nigeria, the four remaining countries where the virus is still endemic",

says Mrs. Mittal. "It is a disease for which there is no cure, yet a child

can be protected for life with oral vaccine drops and/or a simple IPV

vaccine. I hope that my contribution to the Rotary Foundation will help their

tremendous challenge to end polio worldwide and that one day we will be able

to live in a world where lives are no longer ruined by this terrible


    "I am privileged to be able to recognize Mrs. Mittal for her outstanding

contribution to global polio eradication," says Jonathan Majiyagbe, chair of

The Rotary Foundation. "Through her dedication, we are one step closer to a

polio-free world."

    Also attending the London reception is Rajashree Birla, another major

supporter of Rotary's polio eradication efforts. In May 2008, Birla arranged

a meeting with Usha Mittal to discuss polio eradication. Usha Mittal

responded with a $1 million contribution to the challenge. These gifts from

Mrs. Birla and Mrs. Mittal reflect the strong support the polio eradication

initiative has received over the years from Indian Rotary clubs, the Indian

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government, the Indian public in general, and private citizens.

    A highly infectious disease that can cause paralysis and sometimes death,

polio still strikes children in parts of Africa and South Asia. As there is

no cure, the best protection is prevention. For as little as 60 cents worth

of vaccine, a child can be protected against this crippling disease for life.

    To date, the number of polio cases has been reduced from 350,000 children

annually in the mid-1980s to less than 2,000 reported cases all last year.

    Rotary made polio eradication its top philanthropic goal in 1985. Rotary

is the lead private sector contributor and volunteer arm of the Global Polio

Eradication Initiative -- a public/private partnership spearheaded by World

Health Organization (WHO), Rotary International, US Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention and UNICEF.

    To date, more than two billion children have been immunized against the

paralyzing and sometimes deadly poliovirus. Tremendous progress has been made

in the last two decades, as polio cases have declined by 99 percent. Yet,

challenges remain in the four polio-endemic countries: India, Pakistan,

Afghanistan, and Nigeria.

    Rotary International is one of the world's largest and most effective

volunteer service organizations with 1.2 million members in more than 200

countries and geographical areas.


    Media Contact:

    Judith Diment





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