Special Volunteers Awards Day

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18th November 2009, 03:04pm - Views: 990

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For Immediate Release: Monday 16 Nov. 09

How many years of voluntary service to the

community did you say? Was that 57!

St John Celebrates Awards Day…!

Among other worthy recipients, St John member Victor Kollosche

will be


the Gilt Laurel for 57 years efficient

service. Awards Day is a time to acknowledge and celebrate the

generous contribution that St John Volunteers make to the

South Australian Community.

His Excellency Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce AO CSC RANR, Governor

of South Australia, will present the highest awards on the day

including awards to members who have provided

57, 47, 42, 37,

& 32 years of efficient service to St John in addition to the 

Grand Prior Awards

the highest award attainable by youth


St John Volunteers work long hours and not always in the

ideal situation or weather conditions, but despite this


continue to support the community’ said

Jo Bell, St John

Executive Manager Volunteer Services.

Over the past year, the South Australian St John Volunteers

have been on duty at the Football, Clipsal 500, Tour down

Under, Big Day Out, and the City to Bay Fun Run to name just a

few of the events that we attend,

and earlier this

year St

John  supported CFS Volunteers during the Victorian bushfires.  

‘As an organisation we are extremely fortunate to have so many

dedicated, committed and enthusiastic volunteers who engage in

a range of activities from First Aid Services, Cadets,

Training, Community Care Programs, The St John Band,

Logistics, and Communications, to name a few.’

continued Ms



For more information contact:

Carol Raye 

Jo Bell

Executive Manager

Executive Manager 

Marketing Communications  

Volunteer Services


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08 8306 6944 | 0439 381 923

08 8306 6931 | 0417

860 547

For information on

Volunteering with

St John Ambulance SA, call 08 8306 6930 or

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