Summer Fun A Warning For Children

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1st December 2009, 01:46pm - Views: 986

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For Immediate Release

Summer fun a warning for children

Sydney, NSW – 1st December, 2009 - As a not-for-profit organisation who works for critically injured kids,

we see many children go through the emergency room doors every summer. Summer is a time of fun,

often called the silly season, however, as the weather starts heating up, there are a few things that

people need to keep in mind so that we can keep our kids safe and try to prevent critical injuries this


With around 68,000 children hospitalised every year due to injury, this year we are urging parents,

teachers and carers to take extra precautions to ensure their children are safe. 

Already this year the road toll in NSW has increased by 25.4 fatalities compared to last year’s figures at

this time. This is a staggering figure which we are hoping will decrease over the Christmas break. Along

with this, several children have fallen to their deaths out of open windows and there have been several

incidents of children drowning in backyard pools.

With children being on school holidays they are spending more time outdoors playing, and it is harder to

know where they are at all times. There can be dangers around the house that parents and carers are

not even aware of, so we are asking everyone to please double check that windows are secured, pool

gates are closed, bike helmets are worn, first aid is known and children aren’t left unattended.

Ron Delezio, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of the Day of Difference Foundation knows all too well

how quickly your world can change after a critical injury, “we never thought it would happen to us, and

when we got that call to say our daughter’s life was hanging in the balance, it was the worst day of our

lives. We don’t want anyone else to have to go through what we did, but we can say that if they do, the

equipment and support Day of Difference offers will make all the difference to their child’s life.” 

For more information on how to keep your children safe this summer, please visit our website at


For more information please contact:

Madeleine Bennett, Day of Difference Foundation 

(02) 8920 9000 or 0424 638 855

About Day of Difference

Day of Difference Foundation is a children’s charity that raises funds for critically injured children and

their families. Day of Difference provides

much needed hospital equipment and facilities to save

children’s lives, funds research into burns and skin technology and supports critically injured children

and their families on their journey from emergency to recovery.  The charity also advocates for the

safety of children to help prevent injuries and through community education programs promotes the

acceptance of all children who are different.


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