Travel To Africa

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1st November 2009, 11:59am - Views: 1317
Travel to Africa

Today I depart Australia to travel to South Africa, Malawi, Uganda and Kenya.

One of the purposes of my trip will be to strengthen Australia's ties with key development partners. I will be meeting with government representatives in Kenya, Uganda and Malawi and with heads of humanitarian agencies including the World Food Programme and UNICEF.

Australia's engagement in Africa is expanding across a full spectrum of issues including trade and development assistance. Under a new aid strategy for Africa, Australia will support Africa's progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in areas where we have particular expertise such as agriculture, maternal and child health, and water and sanitation.

I will also visit a refugee camp in Kenya where thousands of mainly Somalian refugees live, unable to return home due to ongoing conflict.

Media Contact: Sam Casey (Mr McMullan's office) 0421 697 660
AusAID Public Affairs 0417 680 590

Bob McmMullan MP
Parliamentary Secretary For International Development Assistance
Federal Member For Fraser

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