Westpac North Shore Raise Over $50,000 For Day Of Difference Foundation

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4th November 2009, 03:32pm - Views: 948

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For Immediate Release

Westpac North Shore raise over $50,000 for Day of Difference Foundation

Chatswood, NSW – 2nd November, 2009 – After 3 months of fundraising for the Day of Difference

Foundation as part of their ‘local initiative’, Westpac drew their raffle last week to reveal the lucky

winner of the 1st prize Nissan Micra which Westpac have very kindly donated.

The raffle was just one part of Westpac’s fundraising efforts for the Day of Difference Foundation. In

September this year, a golf day was held at the prestigious Terrey Hills Golf and Country Club and there

has also been fundraising BBQs and collection tins in branches throughout the North Shore. 

“The Day of Difference Foundation cannot express how grateful they are for Westpac’s fantastic efforts

in raising money for the Foundation.” Ron Delezio, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Day of

Difference Foundation said. “All the branches along the North Shore have really pushed for the sale of

these raffle tickets and have helped us to promote our charity and spread our message of working for

critically injured kids.”

“This partnership between Westpac and Day of Difference will help enormously with the important

work that the Foundation does.” Mr Delezio has said. 


and 3rd prizes in the raffle were a $2,000 travel voucher and dinner for two at Ripples restaurant in

Milson’s Point. 


Note to editors: Photographs from the raffle draw are available from the below contact details.

For more information:

Madeleine Bennett, Day of Difference Foundation

(02) 8920 9000 or 0424 638 855 


About Day of Difference Foundation

Day of Difference Foundation is a children’s charity that raises funds for critically injured children and

their families. Day of Difference provides much needed hospital equipment and facilities to save

children’s lives, funds research into burns and skin technology and supports critically injured children

and their families on their journey from emergency to recovery.  The charity also advocates for the

safety of children to help prevent injuries and through community education programs promotes the

acceptance of all children who are different.


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