Senate Committee Report On Childcare: Lhmu Childcare Union Available For Comment

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23rd November 2009, 07:38pm - Views: 1975
23 November 2009

Media alert
Report on Senate Committee's inquiry into Provision of childcare to be tabled in Parliament today:

LHMU the childcare union available for comment and analysis

The Report of the Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
Committee's Inquiry into the Provision of Childcare is scheduled to be tabled
in the Senate later today.

The timing of the Report coincides with major developments in Australia's
childcare sector. These include the Council of Australian Government's
quality reforms (to be announced on 7 December) and the sale by receivers
of the remaining 705 centres owned by the collapsed operator ABC Learning.

Bids for the purchase of these centres close today.

Sue Lines, Assistant National Secretary of LHMU, the childcare union, is
available to discuss the findings and recommendations of the
Committee, ABC Learning and childcare generally.

Contact: Nada Vlatko 0425 242 691


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