10,000 Hcf Members Sign Up To Healthways Chronic Disease Program

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23rd November 2009, 01:13pm - Views: 1515

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Rapid uptake of HCF’s My Health Guardian shows strong demand

for chronic disease support

10,000th participant enrolled in industry-leading chronic disease program; 

Now largest preventive health program offered by a single health insurer 

Early data shows strongest demand for phone-based support coming from

sufferers of diabetes, heart disease and hypertension

Sydney, Monday, 23 November 2009 – Leading not-for-profit private health insurer, HCF,

and preventive health and disease management provider, Healthways Australia, have

recorded faster than expected take up of the My Health Guardian chronic disease support

program by HCF members.

The companies announced today that the 10,000th chronically ill HCF member had signed

on to My Health Guardian for chronic disease support last week, well ahead of schedule,

and putting the program on track to reach 25,000 participants by mid-2010. 

My Health Guardian is now the largest chronic disease support program operated by a

single health insurer in Australia.

Launched last August, the program is the first of its kind in Australia to provide phone–

based and online support across the full spectrum of health circumstances. The program is

delivered on behalf of HCF by Healthways Australia, whose team of qualified nurses,

dieticians and exercise physiologists work with HCF members to guide personalised health

and wellbeing programs.

Managing Director of Healthways Australia, Tim Morphy, said the volume of HCF

members joining My Health Guardian had been accelerating steadily, with more than 850

members per week enrolling over the past month.

“Our nurses and health coaches are doing a fantastic job explaining the benefits of the

program and delivering the assistance members need to take a more active role in their

own health and wellbeing,” Mr Morphy said.

“As various Federal Government policy bodies have pointed out, chronic disease is the

tsunami coming through our health system. Commonwealth Health and Ageing Minister

Nicola Roxon only last week called again for more Australians to be given access to

chronic disease support services.

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“In June 19,000 health fund members were enrolled in such programs - My Health

Guardian enrolments since then boost that by over 50%,” he said.

According to Healthways, the most common chronic conditions reported by My Health

Guardian participants were: diabetes (65% of participants), coronary artery disease (59%),

high blood pressure (40%), reflux disease (33%) and low back pain (20%). (See list of top

10 chronic conditions attached).

Chief Medical Officer for HCF, Dr Andrew Cottrill, said he was encouraged by the early

strong participation rates in My Health Guardian, which represented a $100 million

investment by HCF in preventive health services for members. 

“Early data shows most participants suffer from three common chronic conditions, all of

which lead to hospitalisation if not controlled properly. 

“For HCF, My Health Guardian will have a key role helping prevent complications from and

progression of these illnesses. Based on trials we expect to reduce hospitalisation rates by

up to17%. This will have a material impact on reducing claims, and our ability to keep

premiums low,” he said.

The 10,000th participant in My Health Guardian, Raymond Moore, a resident of Crookwell

in NSW, said: ‘While I have only just started, knowing that I can have conversation on the

phone with a professional about my healthcare needs, gives me a great deal of comfort.

I’m looking forward to being part of the program over the coming months.” 

My Health Guardian includes an online health and wellbeing portal allowing members to

tailor a healthy living plan incorporating diet, exercise and other aspects of lifestyle.

Participants in the portal take the total number of My Health Guardian users above 12,000.

Top 10 chronic diseases suffered by My Health Guardian participants

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Media contacts


Nick Owens

Director, Sefiani Communications Group

Ph: (02) 8920 0700

Mob: 0421 977 062


Healthways Australia

Craig Bosworth

Director of Strategy

Mob: 0409 356 455


About HCF 

HCF is Australia’s third-largest, and largest not-for-profit, health insurer, currently extending

coverage to 1.3 million Australians. HCF has exceeded the industry growth rate each year for the

past five years, consistently pays back more in benefits from earned contributions than the industry

average and has the best medical no-gap coverage of any major health fund in Australia. The

financial strength of HCF is supported by its strong capital backing, and the lowest management

expenses of the major funds. HCF members benefit from an extensive branch network and access

to HCF’s expanding network of dental and eye care centres and Oral Health Program (for members

outside metropolitan Sydney). HCF Life offers innovative add-on insurance protection for illness and

accidents. Visit www.hcf.com.au for more information about HCF.

About Healthways

Healthways is a population health company providing personalised wellness, prevention and

disease management programs. Since its foundation in 1981, Healthways has been working with

and assisting governments, employers, health insurers, hospitals, doctors and above all,

individuals; to improve the effectiveness of healthcare, enhance the fundamental care experience

and reduce healthcare costs through large-scale health programs adapted and tailored for the local

health system. Globally one of the largest providers of population health management, Healthways

provides ongoing health analysis and services for over 35 million individuals worldwide in Australia,

Europe, North and South America. 

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