Accumetrics' Verifynow(r) P2y12 Test Provides Physicians With Information To Assess A Patient's Resp

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15th July 2009, 01:02am - Views: 1018

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Accumetrics' VerifyNow(R) P2Y12 Test Provides Physicians With Information to

Assess a Patient's Response to Newly-Approved Prasugrel (Effient(R))

SAN DIEGO, July 14 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    With the recent FDA approval of the new P2Y12 inhibitor, prasugrel

(Effient), Accumetrics, Inc. announces that its VerifyNow P2Y12 Test is not

only able to assess response to Plavix(R), but also its newly approved

competitor, Effient. In obtaining a result from the VerifyNow System,

physicians are provided objective information to determine the response of an

individual patient to their antiplatelet therapy, regardless of the P2Y12

inhibitor that is prescribed.

    "We are very excited with our product position and timing with the release

of this therapeutic alternative to Plavix," said Timothy I. Still, President

and CEO of Accumetrics. "We feel the VerifyNow System can dramatically

contribute to a physician's ability to enhance care for patients undergoing

percutaneous coronary intervention and receiving the antiplatelet therapy that

follows. In having this alternative therapy, physicians can now utilize the

results of the VerifyNow System to assist in the selection of the therapy that

best achieves the desired antiplatelet effect."

    Accumetrics' VerifyNow P2Y12 Test is used to measure the level of P2Y12

receptor blockade and has been in used globally to assess a patient's response

to both clopidogrel and prasugrel in clinical trials as well as in clinical

practice within the hospital and physician office settings.

    Accumetrics is committed to advancing medical understanding of platelet

function and enhancing quality of care for patients receiving antiplatelet

therapies by providing industry-leading and widely accessible diagnostic tests

for rapid platelet function assessment.

    Accumetrics' VerifyNow System is the first rapid and easy to use platform

for measuring an individual's response to multiple antiplatelet agents.

Addressing every major antiplatelet drug, including FDA-cleared products for

aspirin, P2Y12 inhibitors (e.g. prasugrel (Effient) and clopidogrel (Plavix)),

and the GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors (e.g. ReoPro(R) and Integrilin(R)), the

VerifyNow System provides a valuable tool to help physicians make informed

treatment decisions.

    The Accumetrics logo and VerifyNow are registered trademarks of

Accumetrics, Inc. ReoPro is a registered trademark of Centocor, Inc. Integrilin

is a registered trademark of Millennium Pharmaceuticals. Plavix is a registered

trademark of Sanofi-Aventis. Effient is a registered trademark of Lilly-Daiichi



    Jules Abraham

    Lippert/Heilshorn & Associates


    Timothy I. Still

    President and CEO



SOURCE:  Accumetrics

    CONTACT: Jules Abraham of Lippert/Heilshorn & Associates, +1-212-838-3777, for Accumetrics; or Timothy I. Still, President and CEO of

Accumetrics, +1-858-404-8260,


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