Ahha Congress - Making Our Health System The World's Best

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7th October 2009, 04:56pm - Views: 753

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October 2009

Health care experts, international speakers, politicians and clinicians will gather in Hobart

tomorrow to discuss how to create a world leading health system for Australia's future.

They are attending the first joint congress between the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals

Association (AHHA) and the Australian Institute of Health Policy Studies (AIHPS) called "Shaping

up in health: How does Australia become the world's best?"


The congress is being held over 8-9 October 2009 at the Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart.

The program includes three days of workshops, talks, interactive sessions and networking

opportunities which will provide comprehensive coverage current health reform issues and will

cater for interdisciplinary discussion across the spectrum of the health system.

Program highlights

Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon Conference opening and health system reform 

Thursday 9.10am

Dr Sohail Inayatullah (futurist and author) Alternative Futures for the Australian Health

Care System: creating a high performance system in complex and chaotic futures 

Thursday 10.10am

Mr Stephen Ramsden and Ms Julie Wells (UK health management experts)

Putting Patients First: Experience of a major patient safety initiative throughout England 

Thursday 1.30pm

Professor Pieter Degeling (UK health system reform/clinical governance expert)

Improving cultures in health services: “You don’t talk about it, you do it” 

Friday 9.35am

Ms Prue Power, AHHA Executive Director said "As the Federal Government considers the

recommendations from the Final Report of the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission

and prepares a reform plan to take to COAG in December, it is vital that the health sector works

closely together to influence this plan and the future direction of health care reform.   

"The AHHA/AIHPS Congress provides a unique opportunity for all health stakeholders to network

with others working on health issues and learn from international experiences in this area. 

"We welcome all delegates and look forward to two days on stimulating debate and discussion on

creating a world's best health system for Australia's future," Ms Power said.

For further information: 

Ms Prue Power 0417 419 857

Ms Cydde Miller 0418 835 098

Making our health

system the world's


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