All Fired Up: Workshop For Young Adults With Musculoskeletal Conditions

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5th November 2009, 04:57pm - Views: 800

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Media release

For immediate release

Thursday 5 November 2009

‘All fired up’ – young adults with musculoskeletal conditions

When Dr Sian Cole, a Melbourne-based health psychologist and researcher, was diagnosed with

juvenile arthritis at 11 years of age she didn’t have anyone to talk to about her condition although

her family was very supportive. 

“In the early 90s when I was diagnosed, there was little information available about juvenile

arthritis”, says Dr Cole, “and it was difficult to find emotional support for young people with this

type of painful condition. As I grew older, I actually became quite depressed. Now, as a young

working adult, I appreciate how important it is to share information and experiences with people of

the same age.”

Upcoming workshop

Dr Cole, who is also President of the Young Adults Arthritis Group, is one of the key speakers at

an Arthritis Victoria workshop at the Melbourne Town Hall to be held on Saturday 28 November.

The workshop is an annual event open to young adults who live with musculoskeletal conditions

such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, lupus or fibromyalgia. It is an

opportunity to gain information, network and make new friends, seek peer support, and hear from

the experts. Relatives and carers are welcome also.

Key speakers

Health psychologist Dr Sian Cole will talk about the psychological impact of living with a

chronic condition and discuss emotions, communication and relationships.

Rheumatologist Dr Michelle Leech will explain the inflammatory response involved in

autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

Arthritis Victoria tai chi teacher Ben Seow will introduce ‘My Tai Chi’, a mind-body exercise

program suitable for people with arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions

Workshop information


All fired up: a workshop for young adults with musculoskeletal conditions


Saturday 28 November 2009, 2pm – 5pm. Registration from 1.30pm.

Registration and pre-payment are essential.


Yarra Room, Melbourne Town Hall, cnr Swanston & Collins Sts, Melbourne


$15 per person. $10 per person for Arthritis Victoria members. Accompanying

carers are welcome to register free of charge.


Phone Sandra Barry, Arthritis Victoria, on 03 8531 8008 or


Media contact

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Sue Montague, Communications Manager, Arthritis Victoria, phone 03 8531 8024, 

mobile 0422 794 885, email 

Notes to editor

Arthritis Victoria,, is the leading Victorian organisation for people with

arthritis, osteoporosis and other musculoskeletal conditions. We aim to improve quality of life,

prevent disability, promote self-management and positive health and fitness, increase

independence and support the efforts of carers. 

Over 1.5 million people in Victoria have a musculoskeletal condition. More than 820,000 have


More than half of all people with arthritis are of working age (15-64 years). 

Juvenile arthritis affects 1 in 1000 children.

For information on arthritis, osteoporosis and other musculoskeletal conditions, call the Arthritis

Victoria Telephone Information Service, 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. Phone 03 8531

8000 or 1800 011 041 (toll free for country callers).

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