Ama Urges Passage Of Preventive Agency Bill

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26th October 2010, 04:32pm - Views: 1271

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Australian Medical Association Limited

ABN 37 008 426 793

42 Macquarie Street, Barton ACT 2600: PO Box 6090, Kingston ACT 2604

Telephone: (02) 6270 5400  Facsimile (02) 6270 5499


AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, today urged all parties and Independents to support the

Australian National Preventive Health Agency Bill, which is expected to be debated in

Parliament this week.

Dr Pesce said the establishment of the Agency would provide momentum for the

Government’s National Prevention Strategy and the implementation of the recommendations it

accepted from the Preventative Health Taskforce.

“The National Preventive Health Agency will play a key role in informing and educating the

Australian population about getting healthy and staying healthy,” Dr Pesce said.

“A growing number of Australians are at high risk of serious diseases and premature death due

to excess weight, smoking and excess alcohol use.

“Doctors are seeing the consequences of these problems in their patients every day, and much

of it can be prevented.

“The Agency could provide a central focus for collecting evidence on best-practice prevention

measures, providing advice to governments and others, and coordinating national action in a

strategic approach to preventing serious chronic diseases.

“Preventing chronic diseases will need a serious and concerted effort, so it is important that the

Agency is properly funded for the long term, and that its advice to the Government is

transparent and independent.

“Preventive health advice must be evidence-based and informed by people with health

expertise and direct experience of the consequences of chronic disease risk factors.

“The AMA believes that medical professionals are well-placed to provide this expert advice. 

“The Government should include a practising doctor on the Agency's Expert Advisory Council. 

“There will be limited places on the Advisory Council, so all members must have a genuine

and primary interest in the health of Australians,” Dr Pesce said.

26 October 2010


John Flannery

02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

Geraldine Kurukchi 

02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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