Anf (vic Branch) Welcomes Plan For More Emergency Nurses

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4th October 2010, 07:34pm - Views: 1424

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ANF (Vic Branch) is Victoria’s peak nursing and midwifery industrial and professional body representing more than 54,000 members

Media inquiries: ANF Media Officer Robyn Asbury 03 9275 9333 or 0417 523 252

Media Release

Attention: news, health

Monday 4 October 2010

ANF (Vic Branch) welcomes the Victorian Government’s

plan for more emergency department nurses 

The Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) has welcomed the Victorian Government’s $16.4 million

emergency department four-year trial to improve the time it takes to triage and transfer patients arriving by ambulance. 

Victorian Health Minister Daniel Andrews announced today that an additional 34 nurses would be employed as part of

emergency department response teams at 14 key metropolitan emergency departments during peak times of the day.

Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) Secretary Lisa Fitzpatrick said: “ANF supports the employment of

additional nurses in busy metropolitan emergency departments and we hope this trial successfully improves the time it

takes to safely triage and hand over a patient from the paramedics’ care to the hospital which is a critically important


“ANF would like to see additional nurses as part of response teams extended to busy regional hospital emergency

departments to ensure that these facilities can meet the growing demand on ambulance services and hospitals.                                   

“ANF welcomes the Victorian Government’s invitation to participate in the implementation and evaluation of this trial

and we look forward to working with the Victorian ambulance union to ensure the initiative improves patient care and

patient flow in our hospitals,” Ms Fitzpatrick said.

“The 34 additional emergency department nursing positions will build on the 2007/08 public sector nurses’ enterprise

bargaining agreement which introduced a second triage nurse in our busiest 19 emergency departments,” she said.



Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) Secretary Lisa Fitzpatrick 0413 245 164

Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) Media Officer Robyn Asbury 0417 523 252

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