Asbestos Awareness Week

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23rd November 2009, 03:34pm - Views: 779

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Asbestos Awareness Week 2009

Monday 23 November – Friday 27 November

During Asbestos Awareness Week, ADSVIC invites the public to learn more about the

dangers of domestic asbestos. It also urges the State Government to promote education

campaigns to warn Victorians that asbestos remains in around 400,000 houses and dwellings

built before 1987. 

Every year nearly 800 Australians die from mesothelioma – a deadly cancer caused by

exposure to asbestos fibre. Another 1800 Australians are diagnosed with cancers and

asbestosis, debilitating illnesses.

DIY home renovators are largely unaware that kitchens, bathrooms floors, eaves and garden

sheds contain asbestos as it was used in up to 20 different locations and applications in

suburban homes around the nation. The dust released when cut or sawn is known to have

tragic consequences. 

Cancers arising from exposure to the dust will only see the annual death toll increase. With a

40-year incubation period, mesothelioma permits governments to pass the buck and

procrastinate while people  are exposed.

The public deserves to be as informed about asbestos as they are about breast cancer, skin

cancer, HIV(AIDS), alcohol abuse and the danger of tobacco. Millions of dollars of public

monies are already spent on health education campaigns. A few dollars per person on asbestos

education now, will save millions in 20 – 40 years time.


Tuesday 24 November at 9.30am 

Victorian Trades Hall Council sponsors the conference “Towards a  National Blueprint for action on

Asbestos Advocacy”.

Wednesday 25 November at 6.30pm Bella Union Bar Victorian Trades Hall 

Matt Peacock and Gideon Haigh, authors of Killer Company (about James Hardie) and Asbestos House

(asbestos in Australia) discuss their work.


Friday 27 November at 10am

ADSVIC’s annual commemoration ceremony - BWM Edge Theatre, Federation Square.

Victorian Governor Professor David de Kretser AC will deliver the keynote address.  Secretary

Victorian Branch of the CFMEU,  Martin Kingham will also speak while families and friends  will give

a touching remembrance of loved ones that highlights the grief, loss and sense of betrayal that is often

felt with this disease. 

The Geelong Trade and Labour Council and the Victorian Trade Union combined choirs with Mick

Thomas –formerly of Weddings, Parties, Anything, will also perform songs from Dust; a musical story

of the impact of asbestos on our society. A BBQ on the Yarra Bank will follow the event –all welcome.

For further information: Tim Tolhurst - Executive Officer ADSVIC          0466 113 749

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