Ask Your Pharmacist Week - Mirixa Australia Coming To A Pharmacy Near

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3rd September 2009, 11:53am - Views: 889
Mirixa Australia Programs coming to a pharmacy near you!

There's a new word in the vocabulary of Australian healthcare Mirixa and it is about ensuring Australians get the best out of their medicines.

As part of Ask Your Pharmacist Week (August 31 September 6), the Pharmacy Guild of Australia has announced that over 2000 pharmacies and some of Australia's leading pharmaceutical manufacturers are now signed up to participate in Mirixa Australia programs.

Mirixa Australia programs provide a systemised clinical service underpinned by an integrated web-based platform that enables pharmacists to better assist patients who are not taking their medicines as intended. The pharmacist intervenes to help encourage the patient to stick to the script through four formalised discussions over a one year period.

The result of this technology and professional intervention is a significant benefit for patients, at no extra cost. Complying with medicines (sometimes known as medication compliance or adherence) is of proven benefit to health. It is also of benefit to taxpayers because better health outcomes that keep people out of hospital longer are innately good for the sustainability of the system.

GlaxoSmithKline, a long time supporter of community pharmacy, was the first company to partner with Mirixa Australia - for the medicine Seretide. Others to make the link are Pfizer Australia with Lipitor and the generic simvastatin and pravastatin.

"In Australia and around the world there is compelling evidence that patients, regardless of the health condition, often fail to take their medicines as prescribed," the Pharmacy Guild's National President, Kos Sclavos said.

"This is especially the case in the treatment of chronic conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma and congestive heart failure - many avoidable hospitalisations occur because of this problem," Mr Sclavos said.

The Mirixa Australia software platform provides the pharmacist with an opportunity to identify patients with a high risk of non-adherence and to collaboratively work out a treatment plan.

Improving health outcomes through addressing medicines compliance is an exciting part of the future of modern community pharmacy and another reason why you should always 'Ask your pharmacist'.

For further information: Rachel Chin or Michael Pittman 6270 1888

SOURCE: The Pharmacy Guild of Australia

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