Media Alert
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Australian Hearing commemorates Remembrance Day
Special guest, Captain O’Brien, of the Royal Australian Navy, is joining Australian
Hearing at a morning tea to speak about his experiences in war.
The agency was initially set up by the Australian Government in 1947 to assist
veterans with noise related ear damage and child sufferers of rubella. Australian
Hearing now has more than 108 permanent sites nationally and over 300 visiting
Hearing loss is the second most common medical condition reported by war
Media Opportunity
Australian Hearing
Main foyer (level 1)
126 Greville Street
10.15am for 10.30am start
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Speakers include
Captain O’Brien, Royal Australian Navy
Kathryn Greiner AO, Chairman, Australian Hearing
Steven Grundy, Managing Director, Australian Hearing
Media Enquiries:
Rena Richmond, Manager, Corporate Communications,
Australian Hearing
02 9412 6917 or 0408 863 201