Catsin Conference Gets Underway

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17th September 2009, 03:04pm - Views: 821

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Minister for Indigenous Health, Rural and Regional Health

and Regional Services Delivery

17 September 2009



The Minister for Indigenous Health, Warren Snowdon, today congratulated the Congress of

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses (CATSIN) on its 11th national conference in


The conference has as its theme ‘We can do it yes we can’ and covers important topics such

as national registration and accreditation, corporate governance, and self regulation. It will

also cover methods of supporting Indigenous students in their health studies.  

“CATSIN contributes to the encouragement and support of Indigenous nurses during their

study and while working in a range of acute and primary care settings throughout Australia,”

Mr Snowdon said.

“We must also ensure that all non-Indigenous health providers are able to work with and

provide services to Indigenous Australians in a culturally appropriate manner, and CATSIN

also contributes to this aim.”

Mr Snowdon said nurses are central to the delivery of Indigenous health care, and attracting

nurses to the Indigenous health workforce is an important underpinning to closing the gap in

health outcomes for Indigenous Australians.

“The Rudd Government clearly recognises CATSIN’s contribution and the central role of all

nurses in achieving this.

“The Government’s ambitious and far-reaching health reform agenda includes a strong

commitment to the Indigenous health workforce through the Rudd Government’s significant

investment in the COAG health reform agenda.

“CATSIN and its members can directly contribute to this large reform agenda through

expanding membership and active participation in key forums and actions aimed at closing

the gap,” Mr Snowdon said.

Mr Snowdon wishes CATSIN and its members a very successful and productive 11th

national conference.

Media contact: Kate Sieper 0488 484 689. 

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