Children Invited To Share Their Stories For National Asthma Week September 1

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31st August 2009, 12:35pm - Views: 776

Supporting National Asthma Week's Theme "Do You Know What to Do?"

Do you know a child or a family with children whose lives are affected by asthma? This year's Kids Breathe Better project will see Dyson and Harvey Norman supporting Asthma Foundations of Australia to help spread National Asthma Week's key message: "Do you know what to do?"

From 1 September 2009, families from all over Australia are invited to share their personal stories about the importance of "knowing what to do" about asthma through the website

If you're living with childhood asthma, or if you're the parent or grandparent of a child who suffers from asthma, we'd like to hear from you. Writtn stories, drawings and family photos can be uploaded to Kids Breathe Better. Original songs and videos around the theme can be entered via the site's Facebook link.

Harvey Norman will be helping by running the Donate a Dyson project in stores across Australia. One Dyson HEPA vacuum cleaner will be donated to the best Kids Breathe Better entries for every six Dyson HEPA vacuum cleaners sold through Harvey Norman in October. Donate a Dyson highlights the one in six children who suffer from asthma in Australia. The project aims to donate $500,000 worth of vacuum cleaners to families living with asthma across Australia.

Erica Galea, Communications Manager of Dyson and a mother of young children herself said she's very proud to be supporting the project. "We really want to do all we can to help families know more about managing asthma so more children can have healthy, happy childhoods," she said.

Robin Ould, CEO of Asthma Foundations Australia said that having a chance to share their story will help children and families living with asthma feel less alone. "We're also hoping that these stories will help spread the word to the broader community about the importance of knowing what to do to manage asthma," he said.

For further information, images or to arrange an interview with a local Asthma Foundation or Dyson representative please contact Nicole Haj on 02 9438 2226 or via email [email protected]

SOURCE: Asthma Foundations Australia/Dyson

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