Copper Eliminates Resistant Hospital Germs In A Worldwide Field Test

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23rd August 2008, 01:12am - Views: 740

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Copper Eliminates Resistant Hospital Germs in a Worldwide Field Test

HAMBURG, Aug 22 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --


    - Dangerous Bacteria Infect Three Million People in Europe Every Year

    Sometimes something well-tried can also be innovative: already in Ancient

Greece, copper was considered to be very antimicrobial. This ability is now

playing an important role in the struggle against dangerous hospital germs.

In a worldwide noted field test, a whole hospital ward at the Asklepios

Clinic in Wandsbek in Hamburg, Germany, was equipped with door handles, door

plates and light switches made of copper. Because the germs are not only

transmitted from one hand to another but, in many cases, also by touching

door handles and switches. At the moment, scientists at the University

Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, are evaluating the samples of the first study

phase. As a result, the Asklepios Clinic Wandsbek becomes the pioneer in this

clinical research in Europe.

    The main opponents are dangerous, antibiotic-resistant bacteria (MRSA),

with which more and more patients worldwide fall ill in clinics and nursing

homes. Classical sanitary measures are often insufficient to prevent a

further spreading. According to the clinic and the involved scientists at the

University Halle-Wittenberg, the first study results have shown

"significantly less chances of survival" of microbes on copper surfaces,

which is why the field test will be continued in the second half of the year.

A complete evaluation is expected by early 2009.

    Worldwide race against time

    "The struggle against high-resistant agents cannot be won with the

previous means, such as the use of new antibiotics and intensive disinfection

measures. We must break new grounds in order to reduce the potential danger

for our patients," Professor Prof. Dr. med. Jorg Braun, chief physician of

the I. Medical Department at the Asklepios Clinic Wandsbek explains the

motives for the field test. "Scientific tests performed by several

independent working groups have shown beyond doubt that copper surfaces can

efficiently kill bacteria and other germs," Prof. Dr. Dietrich H. Nies,

Director of the Institute for Biology at the Martin Luther University

Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, also confirms.

    With its field test (two times eight weeks with weekly periodic

sampling), the Asklepios Clinic Wandsbeck is involved in a worldwide study

program. Comparable studies under clinical conditions are planned or are

being performed at the same time in Great Britain, South Africa, the US and

Japan. In Wandsbek, samples from door handles, door plates and light switches

were collected during the last weeks: both from common surfaces, e.g. made of

stainless steel, and from surfaces with cooper alloys. Experience has shown

that door handles and light switches are the most frequent surfaces of


    50,000 casualties in Europe alone every year

    According to serious estimates, more than half a million of such

nosocomial infections - i.e. caught in the clinic - occur every year, in

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German hospitals alone. According to the European Centre for Disease

Prevention and Control (ECDC), there are three million cases all over Europe,

of which 50,000 are fatal. Antibiotic-resistant germs like MRSA (MRSA stands

for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) present a particularly high

danger in this context.

    In addition to the partly life-threatening danger for the patients, there

is also an enormous economic damage which might amount to billions in Germany

alone. For the US, there is an estimate by the Center for Disease Control

(CDC), according to which nosocomial infections incur costs of more than 4.5

billion US dollars. In Great Britain, the National Health Service (NHS)

estimates the additional costs at one billion pounds sterling every year.

According to estimates, patients who contract MRSA in the clinic stay in

sickbed up to four days longer on average and incur additional costs to the

amount of 4,000 Euro, in individual cases even up to 20,000 Euro. The most

frequent complications with weakened patients after a MRSA infection include

wound infections, pneumonias, blood poisonings, and urinary tract infections.

    Research is going full steam ahead worldwide

    The tests at the Asklepios Clinic in Hamburg, Germany, were initiated by

laboratory tests in which 99.9 percent of the bacteria, including the high

hazard MRSA agents, were eliminated within a period of a few minutes up to

two hours on copper surfaces. In contrast, the same microbes were able to

survive up to three days on stainless steel surfaces. This is why the US

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has confirmed the antimicrobial effect

of copper only recently, in March this year. Current research is closing a

scientific gap which has existed for a very long time: "Humanity has had

positive experience with the hygienic effect of copper for thousands of

years", says Dr.-Ing. Anton Klassert, Business Manager of the German Copper

Institute (DKI). "Against the backdrop of the current problems in the health

care system, the DKI has now taken the first steps in order to apply these

properties of copper in a modern hospital", according to the Director of the

European Copper Competence Centre "Antimicrobial Properties".

    Visual material and the PowerPoint presentations of the speakers on the

topic "Copper & Germs" are available on request.

    Contact for media representatives:

    Asklepios Clinics Hamburg

    Mathias Eberenz

    Tel.: +49-40-1818-826-632

    German Copper Institute (DKI)

    Ingrid Keller

    Tel.: +49-211-47-96-314

Source: Asklepios Kliniken



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