Curves Trailblazes Again!

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8th July 2009, 12:00pm - Views: 938

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For Immediate Release                                                  Contact: Leslie Hayden

t: (02) 9977 6188  e:

Curves Trailblazes Again!

Curves, world (& Australia’s) largest fitness franchise, launches

revolutionary new 'CurvesSmart', the first ever electronic

personal trainer to regulate every workout for a precise personal


Sydney, July 8, 2009

…At the cost of millions of dollars and after five years in

development, Curves, the innovator that gave the world express fitness, is once

again trailblazing with CurvesSmart - the most advanced fitness technology in

the world.  This techno breakthrough delivers a personal coach in a computer

chip, which improves the quality of every workout by 20%. The result is a

personal best each time for a 15% increase in loss of unwanted centimeters.

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The system is the much-anticipated solution to an age-old dilemma in the gym -

inconsistent effort when using exercise machines.  It’s customised to ensure

women work out correctly, at their personal optimal level of intensity to get the

most out of each workout.

Now available in Australia, CurvesSmart makes slacking and guesswork on the

workout circuit a thing of the past.  If you’re not exercising properly, or hard

enough to meet your goals, this electronic trainer lets you know with up-to-the-

second biofeedback.  

The 30-minute Curves workout circuit features hydraulic resistance machines for 

upper and lower body that safely work two sets of muscle groups simultaneously.

The Curves Smart electronic system, programmed for each individual user, 

interacts with each machine on the circuit to continuously let women know if

they’re meeting their precise targets for heart rate, intensity, range of motion, and

repetition for that piece of equipment.  

While still a 30-minute workout, this electronic trainer adds intelligence and

interactivity to the circuit.  It compares each workout with the previous one.  As

you get stronger, the system adjusts the workout to keep you challenged.  

Each workout finishes with a detailed progress report that uses 3-D anatomical

diagrams to show gains in cardio and muscle strength and calories burned. It

even shows what your body will look like when you’re reached your goal weight.

Curves Smart is now being rolled out across 70 countries, and women

everywhere report that their time on the equipment flies even faster, when they’re

focused on ‘going for the green’–the target colour of the indicator light.

There are 400 Curves Clubs in Australia. To find the closest, call 1-300-curves or


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