Dementia, Euthanasia & The Media Debate

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27th October 2009, 12:18pm - Views: 1646

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In Victoria 63,000 people have dementia with 49 new cases every day.

Alzheimer’s Australia Vic is the peak body representing people with dementia in Victoria.

We provide specialised dementia information, education and support services. 

Call our National Dementia Helpline on 1800 100 500 or visit

Media contact: Kate Morton on 0437 453 113

Dementia, euthanasia & the media debate

The use and misuse of Alzheimer’s disease in the euthanasia debate will be the focus

of an Alzheimer’s Australia Vic seminar this Wednesday 28 October.

Professor Megan-Jane Johnstone, Professor of Nursing from the Deakin University,

will present a paper on her research on how Alzheimer’s’ disease is ‘used’ in the

media to shape what people think and understand about euthanasia and assisted

suicide, and whether these practices should be legalised in Australia.

The research was funded by Alzheimer’s Australia Research Limited (AAR).

The seminar will discuss how both sides of the debate manipulate public opinion on

this difficult and emotionally charged issue, and the possible implications for public

policy development and decision making in end-of-life care.


Alzheimer’s Australia Vic Seminar – 

‘The use and misuse of Alzheimer’s disease in the

euthanasia/physician assisted suicide debate’


Wednesday 28 October, 5:15pm to 6:15pm


University of Melbourne – Cinema

442 Auburn Road, Hawthorn (Melway ref 59 E2)

Professor Megan-Jane Johnstone is Academic Chair in Nursing at the Burwood

Campus of Deakin University in Melbourne. She is renowned internationally for her

scholarly research in the areas of nursing and health care ethics. Currently serving as

the Royal College of Nursing nominated Consultant (Ethics and Human Rights) to the

International Council of Nurses, Geneva, Professor Johnstone is in a second three-

year term as an invited member of the Victorian Department of Human Services

Clinical Risk Management Reference Group.

In 2007, Professor Johnstone was the co-recipient (with Dr Olga Kanitsaki AM) of a

Hazel Hawke Dementia Care grant from Alzheimer’s Australia’s research foundation

to investigate ‘The use and misuse of Alzheimer’s Disease in the euthanasia/physician

assisted suicide debate’.

Media contact: Michelle Low on 0400 004 553


For Wednesday 28 October 2009

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