Destination Therapy Trial Data Demonstrate Superiority for HeartMate II(R) Over HeartMate(R) XVE
PLEASANTON, Calif., Nov. 17 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --
Thoratec Corporation (Nasdaq: THOR), a world leader in device-based mechanical circulatory support therapies
to save, support and restore failing hearts, said that data released today from the Destination Therapy (DT)
pivotal trial for the HeartMate II left ventricular assist system (LVAS) demonstrate that the device achieved
statistically superior results over the HeartMate XVE, including survival at two years while remaining free from
disabling stroke or the need for reoperation to replace or repair the pump. As treated survival was 58 percent for
HeartMate II patients versus 24 percent for the HeartMate XVE patients.
The data were presented at a late breaking clinical trial session of the 2009 Scientific Sessions of the American
Heart Association by Dr. Joseph Rogers of Duke University on behalf of the HeartMate II investigators. The
trial data were also published by The New England Journal of Medicine today, in an article written by Dr. Mark
Slaughter of the University of Louisville, and Dr. Joseph Rogers and Dr. Carmelo Milano of Duke University, et al.
The HeartMate II Destination Therapy trial involved 200 patients enrolled at 38 centers who were randomized to
the HeartMate XVE on a 2-1 basis, respectively. Forty-six percent of the HeartMate II patients successfully
achieved the primary composite endpoint of survival at two years while remaining free from disabling stroke or the
need for reoperation to replace or repair the pump versus eleven percent of the XVE patient cohort, on an intent to
treat basis. Secondary endpoints in the trial included as treated actuarial survival, adverse events, functional status,
patient quality of life, hospitalization and assessment of neuro-cognitive function. Patients enrolled in the trial
ranged in age from 26-81 years old, with a median age of 64 years.
"We find the two-year survival data, as well as that related to pump performance, adverse events, quality of life
and functional status, to be highly positive. Treating patients with the HeartMate II leads to dramatically improved
survival, functional capacity and quality of life beyond any other therapy for advanced-stage heart failure patients.
We believe the trial outcomes will drive market adoption of the device once it receives DT approval from the FDA,
given the poor outcomes with other treatment options available for these patients," said Gary F. Burbach, president
and chief executive officer of Thoratec.
"The outcomes of this study are particularly impressive when you consider the status of these patients at the
time they entered the trial," Dr. Slaughter noted. "These patients have a similar profile to those in the REMATCH
trial who were managed with the standard of care-optimal medical management-and had a two-year survival rate of
eight percent versus the 58 percent achieved by the HeartMate II in this trial," he added.
"The trial outcomes showed that the smaller size of the HeartMate II enables its use in a broader patient
population, including the currently under-served population of small sized patients with advanced-stage heart
failure, most notably women. They also demonstrated superior safety profiles for the HeartMate II, based on the
level of major adverse events, including reduced rates of infection, renal failure, right heart and respiratory
failure and cardiovascular arrhythmia. HeartMate II patients also fared better with respect to shorter hospital stays
and lower rates of re-hospitalizations and reoperations per year," Burbach added.
Burbach noted that at two years of support, 80 percent of the HeartMate II patients were NYHA Class I or II
compared to zero at baseline, and there was a doubling of the distance a patient could walk. Improvements over
baseline in the HeartMate II patients were statistically significant in all quality of life and functional measures.
"There is an unmet need among thousands of patients annually with advanced-stage heart failure who are
ineligible for cardiac transplantation and do not benefit from medical therapy. For these patients with limited
treatment options, the HeartMate II is a therapy that can provide long-term hemodynamic support that is also linked
to significant improvements in longevity and quality of life," Dr. Rogers said.
The HeartMate II was approved for Bridge-to-Transplantation (BTT) in the U.S. in April 2008, and the HeartMate
XVE is the only device approved by the FDA for both DT and BTT. A continuous flow device, the HeartMate II is an
implantable LVAS powered by a rotary pumping mechanism and is designed to have a much longer functional life
than pulsatile devices and to operate more simply and quietly. The device provides blood flow through the
circulatory system on a continuous basis with only one moving part. It is also smaller and easier to implant than a
pulsatile device.
The company will hold a webcast of its investor meeting at the American Heart Association to discuss the data.
The event begins at 1:30 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (10:30 a.m., Pacific Standard Time), today, November 17,