Doyle's 'road To Damacus' Good For Health

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30th January 2010, 07:00am - Views: 835

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29 January 2010



The Heart Foundation has hailed Lord Mayor Robert Doyle's plan to revitalise

Swanston Street and encourage walking and cycling as a victory for health.

"Robert Doyle's 'road to Damascus' will help to revitalise Swanston Street and is good

for the health of all those who live, work and visit the city," said Heart Foundation

(Victoria) CEO, Kathy Bell.

"The new design for Swanston Street represents a model of healthy urban planning

by improving opportunities for walking and cycling. The Heart Foundation

congratulates the Lord Mayor for taking this and public opinion into account," said 

Ms Bell.

“More than half (54.9%) of the Victorian population is overweight or obese, yet only

one-third of Victorians undertake enough physical activity for good health¹,” 

said Ms Bell

“As health costs rise, we need to look for ways to prevent poor health. Getting out of

the car, using public transport and walking or cycling are important ways to improve


"Just as more roads and freeways lead to greater traffic congestion, creating options

for walking and cycling will help more people to be more active more often. Robert

Doyle’s plan will empower people to increase daily physical activity levels which, in

turn, benefits the health of the community.

“Good urban design makes it easier for the community to be physically active. It

should put health first. Swanston Street is an important step along this path,” 

said Ms Bell.

Heart Foundation: Australia's leading voice on heart health, the Heart Foundation saves lives

and improves health through funding world class cardiovascular research, guidelines for health

professionals, informing the public and assisting people with cardiovascular disease. As a

charity, the Heart Foundation relies on donations and gifts in Wills to continue its lifesaving

research, education and health promotion work.

For information contact:

Siobhan O Neill, Media and Communications Manager, Heart Foundation (Victoria)

T: (03) 9321 1536 / M: 0418 171 527 / E: 



Australian Bureau of Statistics, National Health Survey 2007/08, (4364.0), May 2009.

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