Dr. Bo Wiafe Fights Blindness In Africa

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28th September 2009, 11:05am - Views: 751

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Dr. Bo Wiafe fights blindness in Africa

MELBOURNE, Sept. 28 /CNW-AsiaNet/ --

     Dr. Bo Wiafe, Regional Director for Africa, Operation Eyesight Universal and one of Africa's leading

ophthalmologists is available for interviews while visiting Melbourne for IAPB VISION2020 meetings.

     Sanitation and safe water are in short supply throughout Africa and that causes serious health problems,

including a high rate of unnecessary blindness.

     Trachoma, caused by bacterial infection, is the world's leading cause of preventable blindness. It has

largely disappeared in developed countries but still plagues many African countries causing millions of people

immense pain, disability, and often loss of sight.

     "Past efforts to deal with this problem focused on controlling the disease with antibiotics and treating the

painful trichiasis with lid surgery, only to see it return again and again," says Dr. Bo Wiafe "We now know the

only way to permanently defeat this disease is to make sure people have access to sanitation and clean


     Dr. Bo Wiafe is available for interviews on the SAFE program which includes Surgery to treat trichiasis (the

painful late stage of the disease), Antibiotics to eliminate infection, Face washing and hygiene promotion, and

Environmental change including water wells and dunnies to prevent re-infection.

SOURCE:  Operation Eyesight Universal

CONTACT: Interviews or more information please contact: 

Lindsay O'Connor

Head of International Media Operation Eyesight Universal

Phone: 0416 733 233


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