Faster Diagnosis Of Meningoccal Disease With Gold

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9th December 2009, 01:14pm - Views: 716

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Faster diagnosis of meningococcal disease with gold

Research by RMIT University PhD graduate and Bundoora resident, Sapna

Thoduka, has developed a diagnosis method to detect meningococcal meningitis

disease early on. The method uses a change in the colour of gold nanoparticle

solution to indicate the presence of meningococcal DNA.

The change in colour of the gold nanoparticle solution can be detected by the

naked eye and the technique is being developed further for use in a point of care

clinical setting, for the diagnosis of meningococcal meningitis.

“In the future, this will hopefully lead to more rapid detection of meningococcal

disease and earlier treatment, which will ultimately result in fewer deaths and less

severe complications,” Dr Thoduka said.

Meningococcal meningitis is a disease that progresses rapidly and that causes

death if left untreated. Even if treated, it can still lead to severe complications. By

diagnosing the disease early, it’s possible to prevent death or severe complications

by giving patients the most appropriate treatment.

“I was interested in pursuing this research because of the severe nature of this

disease and its rapid onset, as well as the multidisciplinary aspect of the research,”

Dr Thoduka said.

“My research involved applying knowledge about the unusual physical properties of

gold nanoparticles and chemical interactions between DNA and the gold

nanoparticles, to develop a method for detecting specific DNA sequences,” she


For her research project Dr Thoduka worked with Nanotechnology Victoria.

“I was fortunate that Nanotechnology Victoria was interested in my research. I also

hope that the detection method I’ve developed can be expanded to be used in the

diagnosis of other diseases in the future,” she said.

Along with more than 5,500 other graduates, Dr Sapna Thoduka will celebrate her

achievements at RMIT’s spectacular Graduation Ceremony at Etihad Stadium on

the evening of Wednesday, 16 December.

For interviews or comment: Dr Sapna Thoduka, 0424 609 119.

For general media enquiries:  RMIT University Communications, Deborah

Sippitts (03) 9925 3116 or 0429 588 869.

9 December, 2009   

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