Fielding Offends Nurses And Midwives

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13th October 2009, 12:16pm - Views: 773

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The industrial and professional organisation for nurses and midwives in Australia

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media release

13 October 2009

Fielding offends nurses and midwives

Senator Steve Fielding has offended more than 300,000 nurses and midwives in

Australia by suggesting they are not able to provide high quality care in the


ANF Federal Secretary Ged Kearney said Senator Fielding had displayed a lack of

understanding of legislation before the Senate that will allow nurse practitioners and

eligible midwives access to the PBS and MBS.

“Senator Fielding recently made comments in a regional newspaper to the effect that

nurse practitioners will be replacing GPs in rural and regional Australia. In making

these comments he reveals that he has little or no understanding of what the

legislation is all about.”

The Senate is considering legislation that will improve public access to health care

services by allowing patients of Nurse Practitioners and Midwives to get MBS and

PBS rebates for their services.  This legislation is not about nurse practitioners and

midwives becoming doctors.

The ANF is urging Senator Fielding to consider the well being of the Australian

community and study the detail of the legislation instead of being co-opted by the self

interest of the AMA and doctor’s groups.


“This legislation is about giving more Australian’s access to quality, affordable health

care and blocking the Bill will only delay much needed improvements to health

services. There is plenty of evidence, both in Australia and worldwide to support

expanded roles for nurses and midwives in health care. The ANF can provide

Senator Fielding with the evidence if he is really interested in doing the right thing by

the Australian people.”

Media inquiries

Ged Kearney, Federal Secretary

0417 053 322

Lee Thomas, Assistant Federal Secretary 

0419 576 590

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